Importance of key word

That’s quite unlikely. When you pass out, you start to breathe automatically, much as when you are asleep.

This is good to know if you ever encounter a stubborn child who claims that they’ll hold their breath until they die. When you tell them that they’ll just pass out and start breathing again, it tends to take the wind out of their sails, so to speak.

Whether you pass out and continue to breathe, or pass out and discontinue breathing, it still seems that it would hurt your chances on the AM session of the exam.

@OP - Just curious…by now you surely understand the meaning of the words words “explain”, “define”, and "calculate. Can you also tell us the meaning of the phrase, “Stop. Put your pencils down. This is the end of the morning session. Stop writing immediately.”? Some people seem to have trouble understanding what that means.

No argument here. I was addressing only the portion of itera’s post that I’d highlighted.

That’s a trick question: nowhere in that phrase do any of the words “explain”, “define”, or “calculate” appear.

^Why do you have to be so condescending and argumentative and paternalistic, S2000? I didn’t ask for your input. I merely posted my thoughts.

Just pathetic.


I don’t have to be.

I _ choose _ to be.

Free will, and all that.

(And in the future I’d appreciate it if you would abbreviate condescending and argumentative and paternalistic simply to _ CAP _; it saves time, and time is money. Your waste of it is unacceptable.)

Guys, guys, guys…you’re not listening. He doesn’t need your paternalistic responses. He’s looking for a more maternalistic response. Like this:

There, there, Isaac. Writing the CFA exam is very stressful, and sometimes the CFA Institute likes to kick you when you’re feeling down by reminding you to actually read the question rather than accepting endless rants and hoping for points. Don’t be bothered by key words, and if a marker decides to penalize you for that then they simply aren’t a good person.

Seriously though dude, I’m new to this forum too and I really don’t want to act like a jerk here but you’re bringing this on yourself. Don’t post something and then get upset when you don’t like the response! It’s like those countless PCP investigation threads where people cheat (see the ones where the OP “only” wrote for an extra 2 minutes, and another one where the OP was caught with a “random” pencil with study notes on it). If you don’t want the forum’s opinion on something, don’t post anything!

Good luck in your pursuit of the charter…


Please keep posting this is great

Also bring at least 12 pencils and 5 calculators to the exam as you will need all of them to finish in 6 hours.

I miss that guy


So OP just came trolled and then retired?

he prob realized that the overwhelming consensus agreed that he’s a tool.

too bad. it was entertaining.

I miss edupristine’s posts too. those were really entertaining as well. greenie it’s all your fault, you scared him away.

We need some combination of edupristine’s fun-ness and Blake’s keep-coming-back resolve.


Edupristine had to leave as their reputation got seriously hurt on AF.It was perhaps impacting their P/L in India due to the unintentional negative promotion that they got on AF.

Haven’t been here long enough. What did Edupristine do/say?

Get a mint julep, lie in a chaise lounge, and enjoy the journey:

^ there was a “edupristine greatest hits” thread in the WaterCooler by Greenie, start with that to save some time

This thread got away from Isaac, fast.