Importance of Quant

I have Econ and Quant CFAI EOC left to do BUT I want to start on mock exams … and I’m thinking whether to just let Quant slide due to time constraint since it’s smallest of the topics … is this a GOOD idea do you think??

If its just the EOC left, let it slip and begin with the Mocks. If you havent done the reading, i’d hightly recomend you read through, cos its an area where you can pick up some quick points as well as Earn a lot of time!

Quant is my worst. I haven’t neglected it completely but am planning on doing a review 2 days prior to the exam so its fresh in my head.

I would highly recommend to attemt quants as there are many sections which use concepts from quants such as PM, Equity, to name a few.

In the mocks, many of the questions in equity/ fixed income will involve using ANOVA table outputs. Do atleast a few of the quant questions…

browse thru multiple regression and DW, BP, dicky fuller, unit root and covariance stationary.

Quant is a very important area for the CFA exam. I’d say don’t overlook it at all in your review.

Quant investing has become more and more popular and widely accepted and pursued in the investment world. CFAI is very responsive to the changes in the investment industry when it comes to designing curriculum and testing candidates’ knowledge, so they tend to address issues that are important (or, in this case, increasingly important) among practitioners.

So, for the exam, since there’s a range specified for the weight of Quant Methods on the exam, you’ll know which end (upper or lower end) of the range will it be. You don’t want to lose any points there. Plus, Quant Methods is quite easy once you focus on it and try to understand it. (The learning curve might be steep for something that involves math, but you’ll get on top of it very quickly.)