In honor of all of you L1'ers passing

I’m going boozing tonight. Thank you for the reason, I’ll be extra festive.

I won’t let you get drunker than me. I promise.

Trust me… i’m gonna win this battle hahhahaha jk

bring it freshman!

gonna order schweser level 2 and go right to the bar!!!

alright junior. let’s see what you can do.


Hi Guys, Count me in too… Regards varun

i remember when i had my first beer

hey guys, i just finish my level 1 and was a passive Af’er. just joined the group. Wanted to thank you guys for helping me out. for some reason thealiman stands out - maybe because you posted a lot. anyways thanks and good luck. i cant take level 2 as i am still in uni - but if you guys are in vancouver im throwing a party at the hyatt the following week :slight_smile:

Celebrating at Greenhouse this Saturday. If anyone is in NYC, stop by (no guys please).


Going out tonight, not only to celebrate passing Level 1, but also to celebrate the new job I started this week! Obviously this has been a big week in my life :slight_smile: Got laid off in September and had plenty of time to study for Level 1. Unfortunately, I now have no time for Level 2 (also have four kids and a wife to deal with at home…) so will wait until next year to give myself maximum time to prepare. Waiting for 2010 study materials to be released in July…which really isn’t that far away.

Congrats on the job dapoopa! That’s big these days. I’ll be doing L2 next year too, so I’ll see you around.