investing waht you spend. just a funny thought

imagine a 10k per month budget. what would it look if you hedge it with your ivnestmetns

3000 mortgage/rent - 30% bank stocks / reits

3000 tax - 25% govt bonds / 5 muni bonds

2000 saving - 15% asset managment stock

800 food - 8% food stocks

600 car - 6% car stock

400 insurance - 4% insurance

300 hotel - 3% hotel

200 utilties - 2% utilities

100 phone - 1% phone stock

100 wireless - 1% telecom stock

800 food - 8% food stocks

600 car - 6% car stock

400 insurance - 4% insurance

300 hotel - 3% hotel

200 utilties - 2% utilities

100 phone - 1% phone stock

How long did it take you to come up with these paired investments?

Which company manufactures the stripper pole - 69% to that one.

  1. US consumer spending data:

Source: Wells Fargo Securities

If your mortgage is a variable rate, don’t hedge it with REITs. They’re also rate sensitive. You’d get slammed twice. And not in a good way.

10% on Beyond Meat - I’m vegan