investment type question

ABC Quarries has recently opened a limestone quarry at a location outside their traaditional service area. Because limestone is a major ingredient in concrete, if the quarry is successful AC plans to build a ready-mix concrete plant at the same location. The investment in the concrete plant is best describes as: A. an externality B. project sequencing C. a mutually exclusive project D. an example of investment synergy Thx in advance




imo B

What section is this discussed in?

B lol I’m not even taking L1, but these questions are fun.

I’d say B as well because of “if the quarry is successful AC plans to build a ready-mix concrete plant at the same location” is (or sounds to me at least) project sequencing.

B - this is part of corp finance.

Absolutely B. Corp Finance: Look up def of project sequencing. A/C/D are easy outs.

Nice… I haven’t even read that section yet. Crap!