Investor types

Jennifer Moore has worked in a governmental position (administrative assistant) since graduating from high school. She loves her job because she is very good at following her bosses’ orders. At office functions, many of her colleagues ranted and raved about the quality of her baked goods. Some even suggested that they tasted so good that she should quit her job and sell baked goods. Moore is 50 years old and never paid attention to the suggestions of her colleagues. She plans on retiring from the government in three years. Based on her personality type, what type of investor is Moore? A) Cautious. B) Methodical. C) Individualist.

Is this a real question? A

Yep - ID number 92219.


pretty funny.

I got a little excited when I first read ‘her baked goods’ :wink: A

Nice job all. Your answer: C was incorrect. The correct answer was A) Cautious. Moore appears to be a cautious investor. She appears unwilling/unsure about making decisions on her own (following bosses’ orders), which goes against the individualist and methodical investor.

this question is just LOADED with sexual connotations…

uh oh. here we go…

Would have gone with a also.

I went with A for the following reasons - her job doesn’t require any risk taking, huge responsibilities, or initiative so it sounds like she’s on the cautious side when she chose her career - she never paid attention to her colleagues to start her own venture, again lack of willingness to take risk sounds like she’s a cautious person

"Some even suggested that they tasted so good that she should quit her job and sell baked goods. " My twisted logic was that she was ignoring the others advice because she had faith in her own ability/opinion.

Crap Question …never paid attention to the suggestions of her colleagues. => this contradicts the answer.

The advice of her employees involved taking more risk. She didn’t listen to it because she is very risk averse.

sticky buns…

I agree with mwvt’s explanation. I also picked A.

real crap.