IPS Return Objective

From some answers from CFAI: return objectives: - support their living expenses in retirement - maintain the inflation-adjusted value of the portfolio My question is : Do we more-or-less always have to write the last one? And even the first one? I mean I can’t think of ay time that you won’t need to do that , unless you expect to live only 10 years or something .

some people don’t care about having the value of their portfolios stay inflation adjusted, some people have a goal that the very last check they write bounce - indicating that they saved “just enough” other people don’t plan to retire - ever. so no need for that objective. Whether these objectives are realistic or even plannable is something else all together. However, if these are their objectives then it is what it is. So, even though supporting retirement and mainaining the inflation adjusted value of a portfolio may be the objectives of the majority of people, they still need to be written down and cannot be thought of as a given.

Thanks Fin. IPS goes from looking easy to opaque and back to easy for me . I am just trying to reduce it to a formula to look for

janakisri Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks Fin. > > IPS goes from looking easy to opaque and back to > easy for me . I am just trying to reduce it to a > formula to look for Not likely gonna happen…