Iran Deal

I think he means to support groups like Al Qaeda. Wait no, that can’t be right, that’s our other ally.

If you forget realpolitik for a minute, Assad is the one gassing babies to death so he can stay in power. F him.

Radical muslim fighters have zero problems with genocide, be they Sunni or Shia. Calling anyone terrorist vs not is meaningless when you have that level of inhumanity. There are no good guys.

Israel has no compunctions killing civilians (Iranian scientists, for example) and their real Palestinian policy is, “if you kill one of us we will kill 100 of you and we don’t particularly care if they are innocent or guilty.” It is marginally better for having and tolerating dissenting voices within, which eventually exposes the a-holes even if it doesn’t punish them.

Supporting any one of these sides morally is not feasible without some pretzel logic. Probably the best that an outsider can do is try to help the non-combatants and let the crazies kill each other rather than women, children, non-Mulsims and so on.

Stop being such an anti-semite n4zi.

You know damn well that the Jews had a 2000 year old right of return on that land out of which the Palestinians were not doing anything anyways.

You also know that the West should be supporting the Saudis who of course would never, ever help, finance or promote extreme islamism in any ways.

Lastly you should know that Tehran supports terror and is the devil because, you know, our good friend Israel says so.


no so fast obama

The war was lost The treaty signed I was not caught I crossed the line I was not caught Though many tried I live among you__Well-disguised

Yes and no. Repubs will push that line hard, but anyone with a brain will then ask why we give Saudi Arabia a free pass on the whole funding terrorism thing.

And Turkey


This is just another day in the ME. Any nation with any power is sending arms to one side or another. KSA, Russia, Iran, US, Turkey are all doing it.

What’s the problem?

if no problem, why were the weapons siezed?

i don’t know, why were they seized?

Because we dont want them to get to their destination? Im not sure how you think the world works, but every contries government plots against each other and supports governments/rebel groups that support their own best interests. Not sure why Iran doing this would differ from the US, Russia, China, KSA, Turkey etc.

Heck the Russian group in Ukraine took down a commercial jet and no one did anything. Geopolitical posturing is certainly a game of Chess, or Go.

Just like how KSA is underwriting a different agenda in the region.BTW, the Iranian supreme leader has been making very angry statements lately.I think he does sense danger from the more moderate liberals taking up control, if the US continutes to impose sanctions the liberals will not have alot of firepower in advocating their cause.IMO the conservatives are doing their best to radicalize the country by all this missle testing, however the west continutes to take these stances seriously.I bet my life that if the west would stop the missle related sanctions the IRGC would stop these tests sooner or later.They just want to poke around and blame Israel/U.S for furthering their doctorine.

^I think it is a given that the conservatives will try to radicalize as much as possible, the sanctions regime gave them a monopoly both politically and economically (IRGC). With sanctions lifting, I think they will continue to retaliate violently when possible. That said, the US should not try to think too much about what is going on in Iran internally and focus on placing the right incentives.

Anyways, surely igor will tell us why he finds this news so shocking.

Igor is a man of few words.Best response I will get from him is a Kind F&uk Y$o

it was interesting to me because Iran gives 0 fuks lol

They dont, no country gives any. Im not really sure what is different from the status quo here, the middle east is where every country wants to flex its muscle and act like a touch kid. At least this is reagonal to Iran & KSA, the US & Russia have less of a right to be there toying around but we both still do it.

Iran has had actual boots on the ground in Yemen for awhile. The region has known this has been going on for some time. The picked up their involvement with the Houthis that provided a perfect opportunity after ISIS (KSA backed Sunni force) ratcheted things up in their Shia neighborhood. It’s just a way to get back at KSA (the Houthi’s being a Shia force against Sunni leadership in a country that neighbors KSA).