Is Joey a Mod?

There is no way Chad could possibly be scanning these forums all day nuking threads. So I’m thinking who has been around here for awhile and seems to be active enough to be a moderator. Plus he never shows a sense of outrage when a thread gets nuked and instead says something like “well it isn’t finance related.” I’d say there’s a 50/50 chance.


Not a chance. Threads in which Joey has been active get nuked all the time.

i have suspected for a while that joey indeed has more powers than a regular AFer and might even be a mod. i think mods should be disclosed especially as it pertains to privacy of other Afers.

Joey definitely has a direct connection to Chad, which I guess makes him an informal moderator, but I don’t think he’s formally charged with the task. My sense is that Chad likes Joey to participate as a way to keep the finance knowledge level high, and Joey likes to participate because he’s an intellectual and a former teacher/professor who enjoys interacting with people who are motivated to learn and discuss.

I think Joey, like a few others, might report a post to the AF mods if the thread gets too crazy. Otherwise, I think he has just as much fun with them.

well how can we test your theory?

bchadwick, you bring some very perceptive commentary as well (except…except…ahem…inauguration related, j/k)

fxguy1234 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > well how can we test your theory? Probably can’t test it empirically definitively, just a guess based on observation.

Anyone who reports a thread is a tool.

the fact that he hasn’t responded in 20 mins is proof enough for me.

sublimity’s mom is a mod too. and she too has a ‘connection’ with chad.

i know joey will hate me for it but i think he could be posting using various IDs. for example, and i was gonna write a thread about it, have you noticed how many IDs start wwith a J and have a D in them. i swear i am serious about this. just look around. i think many of these J with D IDs are our old man JDV. honest to goodness, no pun intended.

sublimity Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > bchadwick, you bring some very perceptive > commentary as well > (except…except…ahem…inauguration related, > j/k) Thanks. I have no connection to Chad. I like being here because it’s been a great way for me to learn about parts of the industry that I’d never think about otherwise, and a great way for me to exercise my finance knowledge. Since I shifted to finance from a more public policy oriented career, it helps me develop (in conjunction with other things) a professional network and better opinions about stuff. As for inauguration stuff… passions can get fired up… I don’t take too much stuff personally as long as no one holds a grudge… for my part, I have no grudges about that.

chad sends me a cut of his monthly income to keep this forum alive and poppin’

bchadwick Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > sublimity Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > bchadwick, you bring some very perceptive > > commentary as well > > (except…except…ahem…inauguration related, > > j/k) > > > Thanks. I have no connection to Chad. I like > being here because it’s been a great way for me to > learn about parts of the industry that I’d never > think about otherwise, and a great way for me to > exercise my finance knowledge. Since I shifted to > finance from a more public policy oriented career, > it helps me develop (in conjunction with other > things) a professional network and better opinions > about stuff. > > As for inauguration stuff… passions can get > fired up… I don’t take too much stuff personally > as long as no one holds a grudge… for my part, I > have no grudges about that. bchadwick, you are the man and I appreciate your knowledge/analysis. I do a search on your past posts and I learn a lot, they’re what got me more into TA for one. I’m glad I have this AF resource. Once in a while I get out of line for cheap entertainment purposes, but I really don’t mean to offend honestly. As for needhelp, let’s leave my mom out of this and I’ll leave this out of your mom.

Bchad, I’ve enjoyed your posts since I became a member. Keep up the good work.

bchadwick, apply directly to forehead

comp_sci_kid Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > bchadwick, apply directly to forehead The world would be a better place if everyone were as calm and thoughtful as bchadwick.

I think you’re all chad just trying to screw with me… (even though I’ve met more than one poster in real life–just clever disguises, or actors!)