Is MFE poor man's MBA?

I heard somebody commented that: Employees treat MFEs as secondary to MBAs. And usually people could not get to a top MBA program would do MFE. Is that true? If MFE is that bad, will a combination of MFE + CFA beat MBA?

good question, not too sure here. your answer will all boil down to what you want to do career wise. as they say, you dont where to aim unless you can see your target. so what is your target?

My target is a job in investment management: a portfolio manager or risk manager depends on how well I am doing.

I think you are comparing apples and oranges here… MBA is more business focused and MFE is a rigorous computational program (acceptance rate for top MFE programs is under 10%). I definitely dont think that an MFE degree from tier 1 school would be regarded as second rate to MBA. The person that made that comment is probably ignorant…

After I got into a top MFE program, I found I didn’t fit into MFE crowd and what I want is more in line with MBA. Unfortunately I discover that at such a late stage when I am locked into the program. What would be my option then? Continue with CFA so I could get a MBA like job?

Can you explain your comment “I didn’t fit into MFE crowd”? What is the MFE crowd? Smart people? Geeks? Nerds? Who cares? what job are you aiming for? why cant you be in asset management having your MFE?

hey stupid, if you wanted to work consulting or corporate side of investment bank, MBA is probably a better route, if you want to work hedge fund, IB trading, valuations, modeling, risk, then MFE is probably a better route in the sense that the classes will be much more applicable.

MFE Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > hey stupid, if you wanted to work consulting or > corporate side of investment bank, MBA is probably > a better route, if you want to work hedge fund, IB > trading, valuations, modeling, risk, then MFE is > probably a better route in the sense that the > classes will be much more applicable. also Venture Capitalist or private equity then MBA is probably a better route.

Well, a lot of MFEs are not people person and hard to get along. MBAs at the same school are much better well rounded. I am more of MBA type. The good thing is that the degree is offered from business school and our major on the diploma will be indicated as Master in Business Administration. I wonder if that will qualify me for the job that requires a MBA. If you do a search on efinanicalcareers, MFE only comes back 5-6 jobs, while thousands of jobs require MBA. Anyway, I feel I made an expensive decision – what should I do to rectify it? Do another MBA will be too costly. Will a CFA help? Besides I want to move to Asia eventually, don’t know if they know about MFE.

I would say no because the MFE gets a much more detailed treatment of h-core finance. The relationship management skills and networking and strategic management skills [that come with the MBA] should be something you’ll have developed anyway as you entire your early to mid 30s. Willy

Personally, I think anybody can get an MBA. I know some complete morons with MBA’s (I also know some really f-ing smart people with MBA’s). An MFE at least requires a few hard skills.

For MBA the hardest part is to get in, MFE program is hard and I have to try really hard to graduate. However, most jobs in finance requires MBA not MFE. And MBA can be CEO. And MBA make a lot of money.

stupid Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Well, a lot of MFEs are not people person and hard > to get along. MBAs at the same school are much > better well rounded. I am more of MBA type. The > good thing is that the degree is offered from > business school and our major on the diploma will > be indicated as Master in Business Administration. > I wonder if that will qualify me for the job that > requires a MBA. If you do a search on > efinanicalcareers, MFE only comes back 5-6 jobs, > while thousands of jobs require MBA. > > Anyway, I feel I made an expensive decision – > what should I do to rectify it? Do another MBA > will be too costly. Will a CFA help? Besides I > want to move to Asia eventually, don’t know if > they know about MFE. After reading posts by MBAFinance I wonder if this is a joke but I will amuse you anyhow by responding. “Besides I want to move to Asia eventually, don’t know if they know about MFE.” Seriously? When I did my MFE 40% were asians, 25% were from India, some from Russia, France… of a class of 50 only 10 were US born. If the degree is indicated as an MBA, then you have an MBA. That qualifies you for MBA jobs. Also, while you are in school, why not apply for MBA or talk to admission at biz school to find out your options… I am sure they will help.

stupid Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Well, a lot of MFEs are not people person and hard > to get along. MBAs at the same school are much > better well rounded. I am more of MBA type. The > good thing is that the degree is offered from > business school and our major on the diploma will > be indicated as Master in Business Administration. > I wonder if that will qualify me for the job that > requires a MBA. If you do a search on > efinanicalcareers, MFE only comes back 5-6 jobs, > while thousands of jobs require MBA. > > Anyway, I feel I made an expensive decision – > what should I do to rectify it? Do another MBA > will be too costly. Will a CFA help? Besides I > want to move to Asia eventually, don’t know if > they know about MFE. Dont judge it by the search function on efinancialcareers. This is one of the problems with MFE - the name is not standardized, as it is for an MBA. It is different for every school - MFE for one, MSCF for another, FinMath for the third and so on… Most jobs dont specify the degree to that extent. They will usually refer to the skill set required for the job… Most risk / derivative / modeling positions will require the skill set that an MFE provides. But hey, if you are an MBA person, then all the best of luck to you.

Well I mean if you want to talk designations/degrees I could probably get you a list of CFAs who shouldn’t be within 200 miles of a client’s portfolio. The moron/superstar thing isn’t limited to b-school. Willy

Sigh…Alas, yes, the world has no shortage of morons.

But still this world is credential obcessed. I was too late to realize that. If you have MBA from say Harvard, you are guaranteed to have a fantastic career. Because you get prelidged credentials, even the next candidate may be much better.

Oh yeah, forgot to share JDV…got the red circle of death last night on my 360. Oh well…served me well for 2 years [i used to just leave it running all the time so serves me right]. Willy

stupid, I think you have to figure out for yourself what you are looking for. It sounds as if MBA would be a better route for you because you can’t see yourself working as a quant. If that’s the case, talk to your advisor and ask about your options. I am sure something can be done.

MFE is definitely more rigor then MBA, hands down.