Is my score any good?

Hi all,

I just finished my first full length Level 1 mock exam. My aggregate score was a 72%. My question is this score really good, just OK or garbage with the exam a couple weeks out? The concept of a minimum passing score is pretty ambiguous so I’m not sure how to interpret my results. What do you think I should be scoring on the mocks to have a good chance of passing come exam time?

Thanks for any input

Any good? Take a week off, you’ve got this one…


I got 70%. I have the same doubt. How to approach the rest of studying? Any help?

Should I keep doing tests or study weak points or both? Should I take more mocks?

Any help is welcome. I am aware that I had a decent score, but the question is how to best use the remaining time.

Just keep doing questions. The more you do, the more will look familiar on the exam. Memorize formulas and key concepts. How one aspect changes relative to a change in another. Those types of things.

if you got 70 on one exam, that doesn’t mean shit. you should do multiple exams and be consistenly improving

Great! Thanks!

Hi all, I’ve gotten 51% and 47% for both my mock test attempts, with weak scores in Ethics, Quantitative Methods, FRA, and Equity. I am half way through my revisions but I cant seem to remember every single thing I’ve read. I know I’ve come across some of those questions in the book but I hesitate while answering.

Any advice on how to consolidate the information so that when I see the questions, I can 80% be sure that this is what I have read, I should choose this answer? Many thanks.

Make use of the summarized sections of the curriculum and attempt doing some EOC.