Is Obama intentionally trying to help conservatives win 2016 presidency?

How is does he expect to help Hilary and the democrats by spewing this socialist crap?

Why? I think he has been a great president, and if the economy keeps ramping up, by 2016, I find it hard to see a Republican win with the jokers they put out for candidates. Since Hillary is the clear frontrunner, she doesn’t have to go too far left in the primaries while the Republican jokers will be bumbling all over themselves doing the opposite.

EDIT: I also like how they use the attacks on Charlie H. in France (FYI, different country) as an implication of Obama’s foreign policy.

Ha! Obama gave the Republicans an old fashion spanking last night. The fact that the repubs had 5 responses to the address and their lead contender for their next candidate is the same guy who lost last time around under much worse economic conditions does not bode well for their chances in 2016.

He’s telling the rest of the country what it wants to hear, how is that a bad strategy? It’s part of the long-term democratic agenda:

  1. Invite illegal immigrants into the country

  2. Pay for them and politically cater to them (buy votes that are inaccessible to the right)

  3. Give handouts to the lower 95-99%, including the AARP crowd

  4. Bankrupt the country at the expense of younger voters and the unborn

  5. World Domination OHHH YEAH:

There is nothing the Republican party can do to stop this. The right is in shambles with no viable contenders and they’re on the wrong side of basic math. It’s actually a pretty brilliant strategy, albeit fairly obvious and simple.

^ agree. it’s no different then stacking the votes, by milking off the existing american public, taxing the hard working more, and kicking the debt can for someone else to fix.

Bro you forgot to add step 4.5 which is to make sure the economy stays bad so younger voters never make enough money to become Republicans.

So tired of this guy. Did he really suggest getting rid of the 529 plan? The reason only 3%of Americans use it is because they’re the only ones who can afford to pay full tuition. Now nobody can afford college.

I don’t know the details, but in theory I like the trade proposal and the infrastructure proposal. Yes, I know a libertarian like me should flip out over a gigantic public works plan like a massive infrastructure bill, but it can’t be done privately (not in my lifetime anyway) so it has to happen this way. Might as well get our roads, bridges, and internet up to snuff. If only America wasn’t so damn big…

The other proposals were all fluff. My wife, who leans more to the left than I do, even said, “how does he plan on paying for all these things?” Obviously this question aroused me greatly.

What metrics are you looking at to say that our economy has ramped up?

Does it matter? The President has very little to do with the direction or strength/weakness of the U.S. economy.

I suppose one can look at GDP, job creation, low inflation, strength of the USD, or just the stock market.

It’s true that skewed income distribution has increased, though that is as much a continuation of trends from the Bush years and not really something that Obama specifically implemented. For people who have gained so much while he was President, there seems to be an awful lot of whining from the 1% about how horrible the guy is.

Well, first of all, a lot of people who complain about the President are not in the 1% of income or wealth. In terms of economic distribution, we could probably say that the top 40% (I’m making up some number), ignoring all other politics, has more to lose from redistributive policies. Of course, this number would be much less appealing to people who would like to market these policies.

But anyway, for what it’s worth, I think Obama has performed competently given the situation he came into, even if I disagree with some of his general philosophies; of course, if anyone agrees or disagrees 100% with Obama on all things, I would be inclined to question whether that person actually has real opinions.

There is little question that the economy has improved while Obama has been in office. How much of that is due to his policies is much harder to determine, of course.

^So you’re saying that the rooster’s crowing is what made the sun rise? I think that just simple RTM would have made the economy better since the time he took office.

(edit - this was actually intended for Bchad and Palantir, but it kinda fits Ohai’s comment as well)

What I do not understand is why the right complains so much about this guy. The right has done so well under this President it has been unbelievable. All of the things Obama has tried to do to strengethen the lower and middle classes has helped the rich far more.

What numbers prove this? People are sensitive to direct effects, and to high income people, this means the higher taxes that they pay under Obama. Even if “the rich” are better off now due to Obama’s policies (and I am open to this possibility), this needs to be substantiated. Otherwise, it is just rhetoric.

I get that there is the argument that perhaps all of this would have happened anyway, and so the President’s actions may have had no effect (the rooster’s crowing is what made the sun rise).

But we do know for sure that if things had gone the other way, most same people arguing this would be screaming about how the President made everything worse. So at the very least, the President presided over a recovery and growing economy and improving job environment with low inflation and a stock market which returned far more than average. In addition, there is the possibility that the President actually did things that contributed to these indicators.

What there isn’t, is evidence to say that the President has trashed the economy in any broad way. We can get anecdotes about how Obamacare has made some already marginal businesses close up shop and try to spin that as much as one can, but it doesn’t seem to have reversed job growth trends or economic growth at all.

The economic indicator that looks the worst under the President is the increased wealth skew, but it looks like nearly every Republican initiative - were it to pass - is something that would accentuate that skew even further.

But I can just as easily answer with a counter-factual: The economy has improved despite Obama’s presidency.

Both your statement and mine are impossible to prove, so let’s not go down that rabbit hole.

Whether it is because of, or despite, the economy has improved, do you think that hurts Democrats?

Yes, but the statement that “the indicators are worse” is still factually wrong despite whether the President did anything good or bad.

Remember that this was in response to the question of “what metrics are you using to say that the economy has ramped up?” The question implies that the economy has not actually ramped up, and that is just not true.

People who say “things are worse now” are simply wrong (unless they are concerned about wealth skew). Whether the President can take credit for it is a more difficult and probably unanswerable question, but we do know that most of the people who are saying “you can’t tell if the ramp up is due to the President” would certainly be saying “It’s Obama’s fault” if the indicators pointed the other way.

Didn’t help them after Clinton left.

Our country swings on an ideological pendulum. We went from the far right after 9/11, to a disdain for all things related to W so we made a huge shift to the left. We went too far to the left in Obama’s early days so the Tea Party had a field day for a few years. Now we’re seeing a shift away from the Tea Party, but we’re probably only in the 2nd inning of that.

Just like investing on emotion, people vote based on their emotions. In both cases, people would be better served looking at the underlying fundamentals, but that’s just not how we’re programmed.

That was all I was saying. Both sides will say we’re better off. The left will say we’re better off because of Obama, the right will say we’re far behind where we should be because of Obama.

Then Ron Paul will be sitting at home saying, “you’re all idiots.”