Is Porn Violence Against Women

After a long day from work, i went home and watched some youtube and found a vid of former actresses disparaging the industry. They claim they were misled and abused. When it came to why they did it, the answer always was “I needed to survive”.

Your thoughts?

Does abuse of women happen in porn? Probably.

Is all porn abuse of women? No.

It’s not surprising. In a job where you’re supposed to be treated like a piece of meat… what did they expect??

Classy babes doing unclassy things is the way I look at it…

Don’t ruin it for me! I like to believe that it’s all real, and the girls enjoy every minute of it

i still think the girls enjoy it…they just mad cause the guys never call them after…

HAHAHAHA!!! I think you’re my favorite forumer for that one

Is porn abuse against women? Only when done correctly… bada bing! Oh Diceman!

apparently the women were complaining that the guys were too big? too big? as if that is possible…

^ Well, that guy Mandingo has enough “talent” to almost reach a chick’s liver … from either end, so complaints are not totally unjustified.

I thought girls like that…

^Not as much as gay guys do.

Girls just want status:

Film Star> Rap Mogul > NBA Star > Reality TV Star > Hedge Fund Manager > Frat Brother > Big Penis > Lead guitarist in highschool garage band > MBA > CFA> Bassist in High School garage band > meth addict > Asian Level 2 candidate looking to switch into finance from I.T.

no idea why film stars are liked to so much…they dont’ create the movies, they just read the script…anybody can be an actor, yes, even me…

Probably in this order:

  1. Brand image

  2. Physical attractiveness

  3. Acting ability

After watching an otherwise intelligent woman (CFA, Top MBA) watch an episode of Gossip Girl I can no longer find any redeeming quality in a woman that is over the age of of 24 and not a mother. I’ve had my entire earth shattered. In fact, were it not for my overwhelming sexual attraction to women I think I would rather be gay.

If you haven’t seen this show Gossip Girl, watch about five minutes of it (that is all I could stomach) and then you will think that porn violence towards those kinds of women is definitely justifiable. In fact, I might be with the Islamists after watching this show.

I need to watch this gossip girl…are these babes classy or what?

i’m going to watch it when i get home tonight…

But don’t you need 2 or 3 first to get 1 ?

Once you got the image, then you can put it at #1