Thing is though, the MIT/HBS double, while impressive, is not AS impressive as you’d think considering each school in isolation because these things are very highly correlated. AKA, if you graduate from a target school with a 3.5+ GPA you have a good shot at a position at BB/IB/ER/w/e, which in turn makes you a good candidate for an elite b-school, which in turn makes you a good candidate for a higher level BB/IB/PE/ER/MBB/w/e job.
However, the CFA/CPA/CAIA stuff is impressive. I knew a guy who had MBA/JD/CFA
Look at the dates especially with Long Term Capital
CPA is a dead giveaway as being fake
His financial planning firm has no internet presence so it is highly likely to be fake
I’m really not surprised based on some of the stuff I read out here that someone would think this is real. I would say there is a higher probability of ChickenTikka’s stories being real.
its real… its a privacy setting to hide connections. or he doesn’t have time/need to be logging into Linkedin and accept connections. Why would his experience at PE/HFs be limited to over 10 years ago?
Ive heard of him before. He was a candidate for the Nobel Price in both Economics and Peace multiple years. His academic research has pulled hundreds of thousands if not millions out of poverty.Anil Kumar will be the first simultaneous Chairman of the ECB and Federal reserve.
Retard, there is no setting on LinkedIn that you can select that if you have actual connections, it will show a zero. You have the option of not letting your 1st connections see who you are connected to, but they can still see your number.