It's Friday people.....

Warning: I will be unable to post next weeks “It’s Friday people…” as I will be cooking a bird and a pig whilst heavily intoxicated. Friday: Work night out. Saturday: Hangover, out. Sunday: Hangover, out. Q. How does Santa do his gardening? A. He uses his hoe, hoe, hoe. baddumtish.

SOSOSOSOSODODODODODDDYDYDDYDYYDYDY! For some reason feeling exceptionally good right now. Even though it’s 40 degrees, raining, and I rode my motorcycle to work… Friday: Workout (back day), Drinks @ treehouse with a buddy who is in town, with his GF, his GF’s Sister (who is hot) and a girl I met last week. MMFFF (win). Saturday: Holiday shopping in my PJ’s (gotta love Amazon), Thrashers game, out maybe? Sunday: Enjoy my second weekend of nothing to do, probably start freaking out around noon since I have nothing to do, finish “The Lost Symbol”

What are you getting your gf nuppal? I need ideas

Jscott24 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What are you getting your gf nuppal? I need ideas Asking nuppal for ideas on what to get your missus = Asking for trouble.

Jscott24 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What are you getting your gf nuppal? I need ideas Not preggers, thats for sure. She said she wanted something “shiny.” So I got her a ring from one of those dispensing machines. She just moved into a new apartment so I am buying her some crap she needs for that, and then when i am down there I am going to paint it for her. I am a noob when it comes to girl shopping so we can share a beer on that front, Daviskr, what do girls like? soddy1979 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Jscott24 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > What are you getting your gf nuppal? I need > ideas > > Asking nuppal for ideas on what to get your missus > = Asking for trouble. True story.

Are you really getting her a ring? Is that a proposal, because if it’s not it could be easily misinterpreted.

Friday: Photocopy some docs, P90X AbRpr-X. Saturday: Notorize those docs, P90X AbRpr-X, dinner date. Sunday: Shopping, P90X AbRpr-X. Yes - yet another of those lame weekends.

Carson Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Are you really getting her a ring? Is that a > proposal, because if it’s not it could be easily > misinterpreted. Yeah, but it’s one of those 25c rings that you get out of dispensing machines. I have a jewlery policy. – None until we are going to get hitched. Why waste the cash?

nuppal Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Saturday: Holiday shopping in my PJ’s (gotta love > Amazon), Thrashers game, out maybe? > Living near a big hockey market, I am extremely jealous over the fact that you can just consider going to a Sat. night home game and then buy good seats day of. Go Kovalchuk! Friday: No plans, study? Sat: Hosting Christmas Party, Drink, Play Hockey Sun: Work on excel model for work

Today: so hungover. Watch Montata v. Villanova, go grizz. drink Tomorrow: poker, drink Sunday: final Chiefs home game ending the misery. will be so drunk.

marks_28 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Living near a big hockey market, I am extremely > jealous over the fact that you can just consider > going to a Sat. night home game and then buy good > seats day of. Go Kovalchuk! > Yeah, I got lower level tickets for 20 bones last weekend off a scalper.

Heading to Boston this weekend w/ the GF to stay at the Mandarin and just eat chowder, lobster rolls and veg. out.

nuppal Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > I am a noob when it comes to girl shopping so we > can share a beer on that front, Daviskr, what do > girls like? > Hmm, let’s see … First off, don’t make the mistake of shopping at stores you feel most comfortable. For example, my man tends to buy my bday/xmas gifts from Dicks Sporting Goods. Not that I don’t like working out or sports, but come on … lol!! Try thinking of the places she would shop normally. If Mr. Davis came home with a few J.Crew bags for me I’d be ecstatic. Also think about the last few places you’ve been together. Most women tend to drop hints when they like stuff “Ohhh honey isn’t that cute?” or “Do you like this?”. You should be making mental notes b/c what she is really saying is “This would be a great present for me in the near future”. Jewelry is hard. One option would be to find a store that sells estate jewelry. You can find some really unique pieces there that can be quite reasonable in price. Or go a different route with tickets to some event like a play or concert. We ended up doing this for xmas this year. Headed down to Nashville to watch the Titans game on Xmas evening then spending the weekend at the Grand Ole Opry House Hotel. Should be fun. Tonight – holiday happy hour then going to a holiday basketball tournament. Saturday – spinning, start my xmas shopping, another basketball game (thankful this is the last weekend of back to back fri/sat. games), dinner with the man to celebrate Sunday – hot yoga, Bengals game (rip Chris Henry), maybe a movie

Lol, nice dude. I do that too. He probably feels uncomfortable going to those stores. Dudes like us just walk in to those girlie stores showing our fake smile thinking: “I don’t want to be here and want out fast, just give me a standard present please”. Buying tickets is an awesome idea. My wife used to practice gymnastics in high school and college, but had never attended a professional event. After years of knowing she loves gymnastics, somehow I cared about it and bought tickets for a US Olympic Team event. She was fascinated and gave me a special treatment on that trip, lol. Tonight: My wife and kids are out of town so I’m bringing home all my friends she hates to party big time. It’s going to be fun. Saturday: I’m bringing home my dad to see Dallas vs New Orleans and to have our weekly debates. She hates him too. Sunday: hear the silence in my house watching football all day and cleaning next to nothing from the previous two days.

Friday - Gym, Tv, some reading Saturday - DMV, Wintuk Show in NYC, Xmas tree Sunday - Go Patriots, trip to Ikea (if weather permits)

nuppal Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > marks_28 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > > > > Living near a big hockey market, I am extremely > > jealous over the fact that you can just > consider > > going to a Sat. night home game and then buy > good > > seats day of. Go Kovalchuk! > > > > Yeah, I got lower level tickets for 20 bones last > weekend off a scalper. Jeeze. My Blackhawks upper level season tickets are $15 a game. For tonight’s game against Boston, I could sell it for $60-$75 if I wanted to. Tonight will be our 69th straight sell out, boom!