Its Saturday, lets study all day

Gotta finish low cost basis stock then on to Global Based Investing; Integrating Traditional and Behavioral Finance YIPEE!!!

You’re a loser JeffSick. I’m studying Gips today at Starbucks while trying to chat up honeys.

Just trying to keep us motivated, I live in Barbados and I am probably one of two persons one the island doing L3 in June. No Starbucks here so I am in my office at work, alone studying Good Luck we all need to keep going to be included in the 40-50% passers.

My post was in jest. Good luck to you.

wake2000: I am definitely interested to know about your progress with the starbucks honeys.

ALL DAY SUNDAY!!! Ha, just kidding. I’m going to the Celtics game, should be a great one. Going to put in a solid hour and change now though. Finish SS11 today is the goal. SLowly but surely, making progress through the material.

jeffsick wrote >> "Just trying to keep us motivated, I live in Barbados and I am probably one of two persons one the island doing L3 in June. " Jeffsick, last year there was one person taking level 3 in Montana. If she passed, I wouldn’t be supprised if I’m the only one in the entire state this year. Good times. I’m skiing on Saturdays untill April, then it’s practice exams every Sat. morning.