hi, i am very interested in getting a job at andersen. People say they are very famous and one of the premier professional services firms around. however i’ve been to their website and couldn’t find anything about them. could someone please give me a contact where i can submit my resume? i have great work experience having previously worked for worldcom (before it collapsed) and bear stearns. however i would like a career change to move into something like transaction services.
If you mean Andersen Consulting, they’re now Accenture
Yes, Andersen Consulting is now Accenture and Arthur Andersen LLP (acounting) has about 20 employees in Chicago whose sole job is to take care of Arthur Andersen’s legal issues before dissolving the firm permanently. Arthur Andersen LLP was part of the Big 5 accounting firms before its collapse 5 years ago due to auditing scandals. (I’m aware that your reference to WorldCom could mean that this post is a joke.)
Totally man… Accenture will all but guarantee you get into some hardcore MnA work at a top tier bank.
Yeah, Accenture Consulting is mostly IT, so I’m not sure it’s necessarily the best way to go for finance guys.
BOMC Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Totally man… Accenture will all but guarantee > you get into some hardcore MnA work at a top tier > bank. hilarious