June 2012 Candidates. Progress as of Jan 3, 2012

I am a repeater…don’t really know the results from last time…but hey, who am i kidding. :slight_smile: this time, I am going to try things a little different. i will make notes, keep them safe. along these lines, i’ve had one success so far. I have found this place quespedia. i will start keeping my questions there. you guys are welcome to come and supplement my list.

You guys got me motivated already, as i felt i was all alone. I started with Economics and almost done with it, I majored in eco so it was not that hard but it just took me alot of time to get back to studying and be committed. I use both the books and scheweser notes and found that a mix between both is much better than scheweser notes alone. I dont know yet what should i start with after Eco, Quantitative or FRA. what do u guys think?

You guys got me motivated already, as i felt i was all alone. I started with Economics and almost done with it, I majored in eco so it was not that hard but it just took me alot of time to get back to studying and be committed. I use both the books and scheweser notes and found that a mix between both is much better than scheweser notes alone. I dont know yet what should i start with after Eco, Quantitative or FRA. what do u guys think?

I would go with whatever you think you’ll find more difficult. For me, I did the books in order but I didn’t remember quant quite as well later on when doing derivates and PM, where some of the knowledge overlapped. If I had done FRA first, I would have had quant done closer to the other topics and picked it up quicker. Of course, I could make a counter argument that by doing Quant first, encountering it a couple months later in other sections served as a decent review. The main issue was that FRA was the hardest (and most boring) for me, and I needed more time on it regardless.

I’m afraid that FRA is very hard and going to take alot of time, so i think i should start with it… then again sometimes i feel that i should start with quant. assuming it’s going to be easier (My minor at college was statistics)… I had to admit it, it’s really tough to study on your own! :slight_smile:

I’m new posting here, but I’m all worried that I am too far behind already after reading this thread! lol Impressive progress by everyone! I’m repeating (failed June 2011), I failed two sections, Quant/Deri so I’m starting with quant, since I struggle with it. Just about finished it, then heading into FRA. I’m doing the live course online (by schweser) and reading with Elan. (but so far have only used the CFAI books)

You fail the whole thing if you failed one section! I was not sure about that before… I think that as long as you feel you’re doing your best and getting yourself committed you’re on the right track… I am still in my first volume too and once i’m done gonna start with either fra or quant

You fail the whole thing if you failed one section! I was not sure about that before… I think that as long as you feel you’re doing your best and getting yourself committed you’re on the right track… I am still in my first volume too and once i’m done gonna start with either fra or quant

Done with Ethics, FRA, Quant and hating Econ

Hey all, new to this, ordered my books a couple days ago. I guess I am a little bit behind, so that will motivate me to study harder in the beginning. GL to you all

Hey Everyone! I’m new to the Forum and have been studying the CFA books, I just ordered the Schweser books and will be getting them at the end of this week. With the CFA volumes I will not be able to finish on time. I’m confident I will be able to finish all the Schweser notes and have time to practice with exam questions… What does CFAI stand for?

CFAI: Chartered Financial Analyst Institute Someone’s obviously taking this program seriously!

Cleverku: I thought that’s what it stood for, but I just wanted to make sure :slight_smile:

The IFRS and GAAP is quite lengthy. How can you guys remember all of the provisions?

Just keep practicing. Memorizing only goes so far to help

The accounting part is a lot of information. It helps if you’ve had accounting classes before… I made a list for IFRS and GAAP… Study off that on top of Schweser notes. Are you guys using any other practice or study materials on top of Schweser notes and practice exams?

i think it’s best to stick to one set of notes. if you’re having trouble, go to the CFAI material. keep practice exams for the last month.

Lemiman: CFAI material boggles my mind. I received my Schweser notes today and the note inside said the material for the practice questions and exams are “EASIER” than the one on the actual exam. I just wanted to take precaution with preparing :slight_smile:

they have to say that (to protect themselves). in truth, if you do all 6 full exams you have pretty much covered the material. i appeared for the december 11 exam and found the level of difficulty similar to that of schweser mock exams. CFAI does a good job of creating questions you’ve never seen ie. approaching a topic in a different way. i would actually say that in some ways the exam was much easier because some trickier or more obscure topics were not on the exam. on the other hand, they have a way of asking questions about very basic concepts that is quite challenging. by all means, if you’ve done all six practice exams and CFAI mock (of current and past year), go ahead and get yourself some practice exams from other providers. but before rushing to do more mocks, take the time to review each practice exam (wrong answers and correct guesses). IMHO, if you know and understand schweser notes entirely, you will easily pass. you might find some schweser explanations too brief (i thought so for some fixed income readings). if that’s the case, you can read the CFAI material for a supplementary (lengthier) explanation. ps. why does cfai material boggle your mind?

hi i just start volume 2 economics schewzer 2011 but i feel diff when i compare it with 2012 book can aany one here to guide me that 2012 schew notes are diff from 2011?