
but i enjoy pointing out their BS :+1:

Most of those Supreme Court judges are appointed for their political bias. I don’t see this as anything different.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa… Pump the brakes. This happened? Like, some guy (Kavanaugh) legit asked Bill Clinton these questions?

I’m 100% not mature enough to read that anyways.

Will also add, he’s better than the self proclaimed “wise Latina” that the last guy got through. Imagine if he said something like that!

Exactly. It’s almost like democrats just expected to have executive power for the foreseeable future, running the worst candidate and campaign possible. “Uh, sir, sir! Actually, America is already great. Vote for us.”

At least they’ve finally learned their lesson and [checks notes]… continue to suppress any and all pushes from progressive candidates in some useless attempt to keep their politics as ideologically devoid of substance as possible, while expecting republicans to play in good faith, despite the fact that they literally never will?

Ah! Well. Nevertheless.

Good to have you back ltj.

These were never asked, they were suggested questions for Ken Starr from the esteemed Brett K.

So you’re saying this was fake news?

I’m just trying to figure out what the starred out words are.


“Ford can’t remember the year the incident happened, she can’t remember how she got to the house party, or how she got home. She told no one about it at the time and the issue came to the forefront during a couples therapy session six years ago. Her therapist’s notes never mention Kavanaugh and actually mention four boys involved, although she says there were only two.”


She’s a far left moonbat resister. she was activated as a stall tactic. rats on a sinking ship. watch what happens as soon as he is confirmed. Godspeed.

If she is proven false, I expect all the equal rights feminist fighters of the world to come out and condemn this bish right? We’re going to imprison her for having even the slightest negative impact on the integrity of all REAL sexual abuse victims… right?

The world works this way right guys?


Classic LTJ!

Btw, does anyone know how will anyone prove that something happened or didn’t happen?

I haven’t been following this debacle but I don’t understand how can there be any proof of a sexual abuse decades later, unless they took DNA samples at the time etc. Which I doubt is the case.

IMHO, this “me too” campaign and feminist movement has gotten completely out of hands. What a time to be alive.

Women: could men please just stop raping us?

Men: this is getting out of hand!

Way to misunderstand on purpose.

You must be one of those who advocate for trigger warnings and asks management to install a safe space in the office.

where we were headed was requiring a written contract for any type of male/female interaction. Fortunately the Golden Age of Humanity will include a return to sanity and goodwill and will leave behind victimhood as currency. The divine masculine and divine feminine will return to its natural balance.

Feel free to elaborate on what you mean by getting out of hand then.