Key updates in the 11th edition of the Standards of Practice Handbook

I could find below summary of changes. Relevant for 2015 CFA L2 exam

Eleventh edition updates to the Code and Standards and Handbook include the following:

  • The Code of Ethics now includes language that aligns with the mission of CFA Institute and reflects an investment professional’s responsibility to protect the integrity of capital markets for the betterment of society.
  • Standard IV©: Responsibilities of Supervisors now focuses on the need for supervisors to take positive steps to promote compliance rather than just preventing violations.
  • Standard V(B): Communication with Clients and Prospective Clients now includes a requirement to address risks and limitations as part of the investment process.
  • Standard VII(A) now reflects the growth in educational programs of CFA Institute by encompassing additional programs beyond the CFA examination.
  • The Handbook chapter “Ethics and the Investment Industry” expands the discussion on the importance of ethical conduct within the industry. The integrity of capital markets and its participants is vital to maintaining levels of efficiencies and trust that ultimately benefit society.
  • Throughout the Handbook, guidance enhancements and new examples were added to cover a variety of current practices occurring within the investment industry such as social media usage and reliance upon quantitative models and processes.