Kinda freakin' out - need advice

So here’s the situation. Landed a job offer from huge company that could be my dream job. Got an offer that pays exactly what I make now, but it’s in a different state with 8% higher cost of living. I receive the offer on Tuesday evening with a request that I make my decision by today. I kindly requested on Wednesday morning if it was possible to raise my salary to xxx to adjust for the cost of living. The HR person says she’s sending it to the hiring manager and hr biz partner and will get back to me. It’s been a looooong 36 hours and today is the day to accept the original offer. I honestly don’t care about the extra dough as it wasn’t that much anyways. Is it bad to send in the original acceptance paperwork without hearing back about the salary increase request? Or am I reading too much into this “deadline” of accepting the job. I can’t lose out on this opportunity. Thoughts? advice? tell me I’m overreacting.

Pick up the phone and call HR. Tell them you wanted to check in regarding their deadline, but haven’t gotten a response regarding your salary. Please advise.

I would say if they are going to play hardball and demand an answer today, it might not be the best company to work for.

suck it up and take the job kid.

I agree 100% with stratman.

submit original paperworks, change salary to desired amount

I just took the job. Coudn’t get a hold of anyone in HR. I don’t play games well and it looks like they wanted to see if I’d wait past the deadline. Eff that. I have zero flexibility in losing this opportunity, so all in all I probably should have just accepted it right away.

^ So basically you bluffed and they called you on it.

Well done by the company I guess. However, I think that’s a poor management strategy. Lowballing people will encourage then to leave as soon as they find a better offer.

^ People, corporations and governments think too much in the short term. The manager might not give a damn because he might leave well before his new hire. And if they have a departmental budget, the extra saving on the new hire might go into the manager’s pockets.

it shouldn’t be too big a deal as long as you didn’t ask for a massive boost

I’ve always been of the belief that you get what you pay for. If you want top talent, you need to pay top dollar. Otherwise your people will leave to other places. Now if its a commodity admin job, then low ball away. But if you are hiring thinkers or decision makers, you need to pay up. Otherwise you’ll get the bottom of the pool.

Yea, I got the word that they don’t negotiate for this position, which I’m pretty sure any company would say. If I had the flexibility to deny the offer unless they increased it, I’m sure they would have considered it. But, when you’re moving out of state and you’ve already given notice to current employer, that’s probably not the best strategy. Anyways, I’ll brush up on my negotiation skills in time for my first review.

Well done on getting the job. Work hard for two to three years and then review your situation. If your salary doesn’t reflect your (reasonable) expectations by then, it’s time to jump ship.

Now’s not the time for fear. That comes later.

That’s what everyone says. Your first salary has a bigger effect than you think. It’s off that that bonuses and future pay increases will be based on. If you are underpaid from the get go, odds are high you will continue to be underpaid during your entire stay with your employer.

^ FT is right. The only way to escape a discount like that is to leave. You’ll always be bargaining with a handicap. That said, if you needed the job, then you needed the job. Work on better positioning yourself to not need the job in the future. Then your leverage skyrockets.