L1 exam

Hi together, I just signed up for Level 1 in June08. Does anybody have some information about the procedures: Is the exam an online test or is it an old fashioned paper exam? Do I have to spend for each of the 240 questions the same time of amount or can I individually choose? Bye and thanks for help

I can tell you from the very nature of your posting, you are going to be getting a lot of nasty answers, sort of the nature of some folks who post to the forum. Also could be sheer pressure of the time and amount of material still to be digested Would recommend you do the following: 1. Read the CFA Institute web site for procedures / information regarding testing policies and what you should do in general with relation to the test itself. 2. Also read / search through the forum for similar nature of questions. 3. There are a couple of posts titled “do your CFA in 50 days” or something like that which talks of some general guidelines, etc. what to do and how to approach the exam. It is an old fashioned paper exam – multiple choice, single question sets in L1 240 questions 120 * 2 over 3 hours. avg time 90 secs per question. 2 hour gap between AM and PM sessions. All sessions / LOSs have equal possibility of appearing both on AM And PM sessions. and ignore any jibes about 1. taking only CFAI Online tests and score 70% to pass 2. Immediate scoring - if you pass AM you do not have to give PM 3. any other similar vein. Regards and best of luck with your studies for 2008 June. CP

Lol, cpk you stole my thunder…

way to ruin the thread. Back to work…

Holden Caulfield aka cpk123 catches all the newbies as the run from the rye toward the cliffs…

thank you very much cpk123