L3 - Mock exams from CFAI

Hello all,

Q1) For L1 and L2 CFAI would provide two mock exams online. I have only found one mock on the online learning resource, that was written by the Boston CFA Society. Is that the only one provided for this year or am I missing another mock?

Q2) any thoughts about time management? Does it happen that you’re left out of time to finish AM but on the other hand you have plenty of time during PM session?

Thank you and good luck!

Barely finishing the AM leaving a couple sub questions blank, finishing PM with at least 30 minutes remaining. AM is purposely a time crunch someone who knows their stuff will just finish writing in the time provided. PM, no time pressure take more time to carefully read cases.

The two Level III Boston Society morning session mock exams (2020 & 2021) are unrealistically long. I estimated 270 minutes for the 2020 exam (nominally 180 minutes) and 202 minutes for the 2021 exam (nominally 132 minutes).

Hi S2000magician, where did you find the 2020 Boston L3 mock exam? thanks!

A couple of candidates asked me to mark theirs, so they sent me the questions and answers.

As I’m not a candidate, I cannot download them from CFA Institute’s website.

This thing looks like a nightmare to Mark so many 2-3 pointers that could be worth so much more… allocate 0.25 marks?.. I’ll have some fun tonight…

Some of candidates managed to download it from the CFAI site last year. If you are looking for it send me a PM with your email