L3 retakers..

what do u guys feel was last yr MPS

I spent more time on this than I should have last year, but I looked at all of the Band 10 results and compared them to all of “close passes” I saw. At the end of the day the comparison is a total crap shoot, but I found that the MPS was probably right around the 63 mark last year.

I think that’s probably about right. My score was about 60 for band 9.

Beat myself up all summer over the dumbest mistakes and changing a couple in the pm that cost me about 5%

by the 300 hours estimates mine was around 62 … band 8 here.

The ethics adjustment can swing you wildly around the 58-62 range if you were a band 9 and 10

Makes sense considering I managed to get less than 70 on ethics for the first time ever. More points given away there

I was also a band 9. Failed Ethics. Didn’t get much relief this year in ethics unfornately. The second section was a bit easier, but that first one I wasn’t really confident. Still don’t see how ethics can be graded objectively if a candidate can swing from <50 to >70 like I have from level I to level III on essentially the same book.

Here’s some advice for CFAI

clearly explain what you want CONSISTENTLY. Have a section under each section of the standards that clearly says.

REQUIRED procedures

RECOMMENDED procedures.

COMPLIANCE procedures - Recommended, Required.

No one should have to sift through what somebody “should” do or not, and I really don’t know how to interpret that as being required or recommended unless it’s labeled properly.

I had most every other topic down, no lie, but I guessed on 50% of the ethics questions. Completely grey area. I finished AM easily and done with PM with an hour to spare. I guess it helps on time management if you guess on all the ethics questions. What a freaking joke

Band 10 last year and ethics was 50-70 for me. 300 Hours said my marks range was something like 58-63%.

Overall my results looked to be in line or better than many guys who passed. But I didnt do AM as well as PM either. AM in fact was quite bad.

This year, I did AM decently. But ethics again, I have no **** clue as to how I did it.

Not sure why most of the candidates found Ethics difficult/strange. I think it was pretty straight forward except for 1 or 2 qs that were really odd. Or is it just me ? I dont mind it as long as they push me over the line by way of Ethics Adjustment ! Haha.

Some people are inherently good at answering Ethics questions, some like me are quite bad at it. The WTF part is, I ace through ethics in CFAI eoc and Schweser mocks :slight_smile: So I really dont know why I get stuck in the real exam :frowning:

^^same here… But I feel CFA EOC were too easy compared to the real exam

i found ethics easy , since i havnt prepared anything

Q looked nice and sweet

Expecting b/w 60-80%

Q did look nice and sweet, just that selecting the answer wasnt so sweet for me :slight_smile: Even if I selected an answer, I had no confidence one couple of them as to whether I was correct or not :frowning:

^^ same here, im hoping for 50% on ethics… 7-8/12 would be good…

same here hoping for 50-70 at least… in fact for ethics i have always been in 50-70 all along

ive always been >70 too even when i failed last year but AM destroyed me last year.

I was also a retaker last year and Thanks God I passed.

June 2013, which I took in Moscow, seemed easier than June 2012, which I took in Istanbul. I failed June 2012, which is why I really don’t like Istanbul :slight_smile:

Even after completing the CFA curriculum the second time, I think June 2012 was harder. It was kind of strange feeling, taking the exam the second time and going through the same emotional feelings. I wish everybody good luck!

I definitely felt the AM section was straightforward compared to last year, last year was a disaster I even answered a question on the full scap paper instead of the template. There was a five mark sub questionthat I sacrificed inthis year’s AM section so as to ensure I had attempted all questions. What I am not certain of is whether the time management issue was because of the volume of work we needed to cover or a case of spending too much time than what was allocated on questions we knew well? I hope it’s the former…I felt PM was a minefield of tricks and minutia that could easily throw one not paying attention, it definitly required a deep understanding of the curriculum, not difficult per se…prep wise I spent a lot more time doing Mock & practice exams this year and did Q Bank (start to finish) and felt much better prepared when re-taking last year Essay question…I was a lot more confident last year after the exam but I find myself this year extremely anxious…I’ve woken up twice with the terror of FAIL BAND 8 on my computer screen…

To the OP, last year I was in your shoes. I found the AM challenging but straightforward if you did your work, while PM more challenging than most. You are probably in strong shape.