Lack of motivation

Seriously suffering from the lack of it :frowning: For L2, I had that in abundance, possibly due to the expectation that something would change in life :slight_smile: Well, nothing changed and finding it extremely difficult to even take the book and readā€¦

Conquering L2, I initially had a feeling I conquered the world only to be brought crashing to the earth :slight_smile: Leave alone materials, wish I could buy ā€œmotivationā€ somewhere :))

ā€œwish I could buy ā€œmotivationā€ somewhere.ā€

Let me know if you find some for sale because I need some, too.

I have so much motivation for other stuff lately. I think thatā€™s because I just want something else to take up my time so that I dont have to study.


I was actually able to get myself to start readingā€¦

I was reading roughly 2 hrs a day for 1 weekā€¦ then Sandy hit.

I couldnā€™t study or anything due to loss of power etcā€¦ now everythingā€™s back to normalā€¦ but I canā€™t study. I donā€™t know how to get myself back on trackā€¦

The best motivation I could find was thinking of all those lost weekends and nites I spend studying for levels one and twoā€¦just to drop it on level three? hell no!!

my motivation is ā€œI have to finish what I startedā€

So true ChickenTikkaā€¦

I quit smoking, started marathoning (reached just about 10K ), photography, travelling - doing everything but studying :))

Iā€™ve given up drinking, more or less, my one and true love, in training for the mumbai marathon, climbing kili in three weeks, learning hindi, watching three Seasons of "The Wire, doing pretty much anything except studying for CFA. Nope. I canā€™t bring myself to do it. I got the books like 5 months ago and havenā€™t read a page.

harami salaa

My motivation = wanting to watch my kids grow, so Iā€™m just trying to get this over with as soon as possible.

how do you motivate yourself if you have no motivation?

Hey Alladin, how did you get those Hindi words :slight_smile: Awesome dude :slight_smile:

The similarity doesnt seem to end mate.

I am climbing or planning to climb Rinjani mountains in Lombok,Indonesia. Running the chennai marathon, registered for a half marathon :slight_smile: Quit smoking because of all thisā€¦ And yes booked L3 the day I knew I passed L2 and then have probably read 2 pages of behavioural finance which put my half interest to sleep!!!

Very valid question Alladdin. How do I motivate when I dont have motivation :slight_smile: Answer is derive motivation to do other things, like me and chicken tikka are upto :frowning:

Same here guysā€¦ I started with behavioural finance, since everyone said it was interestingā€¦ However, it turned out to be so boring for meā€¦ Switch on to some other reading, however cant really keep up the motivation levelā€¦

Planning to buy schewswer now and start reading from there atleast :frowning:


If not studying? Then What else?

In other words, We All Have Something Called TIME

Word. I have a 15-month old baby girl. I missed most of her first year studying for Level 2. Iā€™ll miss most of the second studying for Level 3.

If you havenā€™t read the Ten Commandments for Level 3 on, I suggest you start there. It might provide some much-needed motivation.

15 month old babyā€¦congratsā€¦how old are you guys if i may?

Iā€™m almost 33. Wife is almost 35. Weā€™re pretty old for first-time parents.

thats not all that old!

is it a stud or a muffin?