Alrighty - enough is enough - I am determined to get started this weekend (originally thought Sept/Oct would be ideal, but then after reading 2 pages of BF realized that life was much more fun w/o CFA studies…)
Anyway, just curious as to how others are planning to tackle this? I know that the Schweser package has changed and now includes videos & online classes (another thread), but curious to see what yall’s game plan is. When you expect to be complete w/your first read and if second read is suggested or start hitting those am exams (given how difficult they sound).
I’ve got through first chapter of BF a couple days ago. In one ear, out the other basically. Not sure why I started here.
I’m still waiting for motivation to kick in. As you said, life is pretty good without CFA.
I think what I need to do is sit down and make a schedule of some sort in Excel to get my head around all that need to be done and how long I have for each subject.
The thing I don’t like this year is the ammount of reading and lack of math problem solving. I’m a slow reader, and terrible at remembering qualitative detail (names, definitions, etc).
Thinking of being able to put CFA after my name is probably the only motivation I have though at this moment.
feeling the pain with ya’ll. The motivation I have is that i’m getting married in August…Don’t want to do this all over again with a wife and moving house etc…
I read the first reading of BF then got bored…
It’s my bday next week so that’s write off…
Think i’ll get properly started in January…once I start hitting the library on the weekends and make a little bit of progress i think i’ll get back into the routine…
I finally opened up a book last weekend. I have an aggressive goal to get through the material once by New Years (albeit at the surface). I am realizing I have not seen a lot of this material and I really don’t want to wait another year.
Figure I could post this here. I just whipped together a schedule the other day, this at least has the topics/page counts/eoc counts from CFAI in it so saves you inputing all that. Basically I hope to finish ethics by mid next week (mostly review so shouldn’t be too hard), then do book 2 before christmas, then the other four after. Based on 3 hours study/day.
I’m a Type A personality. I’m freakishly organized. Efficient time management makes me much happier and more proud than it probably should. All that said, I’ve created a similar template to the one you posted (with color coding) but you STILL managed to take it to another level. There’s always someone better…
I thought to myself, SS #, reading #, pages, checklist, page totals, color coding - surely that’s enough, right? Anything more would be going overboard! But here I stand, envious. Well done, woodywoodford!
Haha yeah, I’m the same way. I actually feel bad uploading that file since there’s some incomplete formatting and I pasted values over a few formula’s. For me, I need to know exactly what I have to accomplish that week (hence the spreadsheet) and then input tasks to outlook/blackberry for each day.
Disclaimer: the schedules gonna be revised more times than I can count between now and exam day
honestly, i don’t know where the “interesting” chapter in the CFA curriculum starts…
just tough it up and read through it! you will need to read it sooner or later, the more you postpone it and make a big deal out of it, the more pressure and anxiety you build up… “oh i still have that dreadful section i skipped in beginning i have to get back to…”
i spent more time than necessary slowly working my way through all the IPS questions and EOCs. now onto tax which isn’t as bad as you’d think. It feels like an easy level 2 topic, lots of nice straight forward calculations.
getting the overbearing sense that schweser isn’t going to be enough
Hit the nail on the head. Wish I had this advice a long time ago; failed Level 2 the first time because I got too caught up in too many minor details. I realized at some point you just have to move on…