Lawyers, Oil, Dow, Series 7, etc

Let’s get a rant going. I need a good laugh after Level 1 Saturday. It didn’t go as well as I hoped. Plus Level 1 boards are full of psycho’s analyzing every question from the exam!

125 Scientists on the North Pole plan to have sex 16,500 times this winter. That’s a lot of sex.

I played in a CFA Society Golf Tournament yesterday. They do a future projection (Dow, Oil, Gold, Target) price level for a year out. Surprisingly, the person who was the biggest bull on Oil only predicted $105 for June 9th, 2008 from June 9th, 2007.

That’s because these oil prices are non-sensical. Doubled in a year? I don’t recall any great oil shock in the last year. Maybe oil was, I don’t know, 100% undervalued…