With less than 100 hours to go , i can feel the anxiety increasing and am being subjected to all kind of behavioural biases- both cognitive and emotional to justify that i would probably PASS and the mind is not ready to accept the FAIL. Though thoughts are vacillating between pass and fail , my defense mechanism is to counter a question which i know was incorrect to respond by another question which was right and hoping that the number of rights outweigh the no of wrongs. I am posting this as after the result if we pass , we would probably be subject to hindsight bias and feel that we were confident of passing.
Are you going through similar thoughts or are you guys matured and calm to have trained the mind and are stoic? If yes, then please share your thoughts so that i too can attain that state of equanimity till 9th Aug 2016 - the R-day?
Well I guess not having as good a memory as yours helps tremendously. I can’t remember shit about what was asked so I wouldn’t be able to perform that mental ping-pong match of yours.
after the brutal PM i was worried cuss with AM u never know. i wrote level 2 when it was half essay, but level 2 essay was a different beast.
with the pass rate being 54% i am assuming some of those subjective PM questions got thrown out. or at least that’s keeping the anxiety at bay lol. another big thing , i took the mocks and the last 2 years AM sessions and spent 2 days under exam conditions. gave me confidence going into the last couple weeks.
No but I did pretty good on my practice tests so Im assuming all is well until I hear otherwise. Go have a beer or something and stop worrying until you have a reason to worry.