Level 1 papers lost

I feel sorry for these guys. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-01-20/cfa-institute-says-it-lost-exam-answer-sheets-of-some-africa-candidates.html

really inexcusable, i feel terrible for those affected

no one cares about Ghana.

cfalover Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > no one cares about Ghana. Actually, pretty much.

smileygladhands Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > really inexcusable, i feel terrible for those > affected Yeah, me too. It probably isn’t CFA Institute’s fault. It’s good they’re offering a full refund and let test takers retake it in February.

cfalover Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > no one cares about Ghana. To think that I wrote both Levels 1 & 2 in Ghana…

Unbelievable the CFAI does not make copies of the answer sheets before shipping them.

They could send a $400 PC and scanner to each site , and scan and send the sheets a few hours after closing bell , before the invigilators left work. I guess they’re going to learn fro this experience

And even the remedy for this is unfair. Was the email sent out just this week? I mean, these candidates likely havent reviewed any materials in almost 2 months - now they have 2 weeks to get back up to speed again? Some of these people may’ve even started L2 studying if they know they nailed the test. If anything, the re-test should be in late February - give these candidates enough time to refresh the materials, because if they havent looked at anything since late Nov/Early Dec, they are gonna need time to review before the test. Just pass 'em all - if they aren’t truly deserving of the charter, they will get weeded out at L2 or L3 anyway.

me.tega Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > cfalover Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > no one cares about Ghana. > > > To think that I wrote both Levels 1 & 2 in > Ghana… me.tega, I wrote level 1 & 2 in Ghana as well. I hope CFAI learn from this unfortunate incidence and ensure no repeat incidence particularly at Level 3 this year. I have colleagues who were affected, sad really.

Who is up for a trip to Ghana to take Level III?

thommo77 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Who is up for a trip to Ghana to take Level III? I’ve booked my air ticket already.

This stuff is gonna happen if CFAI gives the test worldwide in places like Ghana. I’m surprised this hasn’t happened sooner. I took the test in India once - I’m stunned that this didn’t happen there. There were perhaps thirty different testing rooms with absolute idiots in charge of each one. Absolutely nothing was meticulous about the way the exam was given. CFAI should make some sort of double redundant system. One that submits answers immediately and electronically to CFAI and one that overrides it in case of electronic problems. I think scans done locally are only more likely to cause them to mess this stuff up. People that get paid 50 cents a day to scan stuff in 3rd world countries are not meticulous. I think CFAI should wave level 1 & 2 fees for these candidates for at least the next year. I also agree with the poster saying just pass them and let level 2 sort it out. Another alternative would be to have them sit for a simpler electronic exam at a pearson test center at their leisure. If they are even remotely close to passing then let them move on.

While “just pass them all” seems like a novel idea, there is not a snowball’s chance in hell that will happen. With an organization like CFAI who is absolutely stringent on defining everything down the letter on “what you can or cannot do”, there is no way they will allow these students to claim “passed L1” if there is no physical proof of it. not a chance.

Also, passing everyone in this case could set bad incentives. iteracom Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > While “just pass them all” seems like a novel > idea, there is not a snowball’s chance in hell > that will happen. > > With an organization like CFAI who is absolutely > stringent on defining everything down the letter > on “what you can or cannot do”, there is no way > they will allow these students to claim “passed > L1” if there is no physical proof of it. > > not a chance.

photoguy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Also, passing everyone in this case could set bad > incentives. Yeah, that would increase the risk that something like this “unexplainably” happens again.

iteracom Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > While “just pass them all” seems like a novel > idea, there is not a snowball’s chance in hell > that will happen. > > With an organization like CFAI who is absolutely > stringent on defining everything down the letter > on “what you can or cannot do”, there is no way > they will allow these students to claim “passed > L1” if there is no physical proof of it. > > not a chance. Agreed. Unfortunately for them, there really is no way to make this better. CFAI needs to work on their policies and make sure something like this does not happen again. Very sad indeed.

Why would “pass them all” even be an option. CFAI would never consider this as it would be unfair to the thousands of other applicants. Although it sucks for this to happen its not like they lose tests often.