Level 2 exam format

Are all topics tested morning and afternoon (like in Level 1)?

Not sure if they are all on each one…the format is different in each “story” has 8 or so questions following on whatever topic it is covering. If they had exactly the same concepts in the afternoon as morning there would be alot of stuff missed, more than already is…at least for L2. May be wrong, but that’s what I’ve gotten from others.

http://cfainstitute.org/cfaprog/courseofstudy/topicareaweights.html lillilland, a quick examination of the topic area weights reveals that many topics cannot be evenly tested (or tested at all) in both sessions. Notice that every topic will be weighted within a range. Consider economics, for example, which will comprise 5-10% of the exam (i.e. 1 or 2 vignettes, 6 questions/vignette, 120 exam questions total). If there’s only one vignette (let us pray), clearly it’ll only be in one of the sessions, or maybe if there’s two, both vignettes could appear in the same session. This is one of the many ways in which LII differs from LI.

Does it mean that if NO vignettes on Econ was tested in the morning we can be sure that any will appaer on the afternoon session ?

This can be good reason to review econ during the break.

obviously if something doesnt show up in the morning session it will show up in the afternoon session…not all subjects appear in each session, but all subjects do appear in the whole 6 hr ppr…so again obviously if something doesnt show up in the morning session it will show up in the afternoon session…