Level I exam type - multiple choice?

Are we having Multiple Choice for Level I ?

Of course…did you read any topics before asking this? :wink:

Oh thanks! I did some research…just making sure it is! Honestly, I am not completely prepared for december…so it would be a tough one for me.

if you dont know that Level I is entirely MC…then i would venture a guess that the pharase “not completely prepared” might be an understatement.

that’s not a guess huh! but YES, you’re absolutely right! but thanks it’s all MC…time’s running out, with a full time job, I know i can’t cope up no matter what I do…so i’ll just write and pick the best… thanks for the confirmation!

I have a full time job. out of work at 6ish, home by 630, studying from 7-10 every night . discipline is paramount.

bro, thats no joke right there

Same here, I’m usually back by 8 and study till 11.

yeah coffee is a food and redbull too.