Level III Results Tell Work For Level II

I don’t see “acess scholorship”

I have never applied for a sholorship, I scored ~74 on the CFAI mock, averaged ~70 on kaplan/schweser mocks and felt like I scored in the low 70’s on the exam, possibly with a 50-70 in ethics/econ but >70 everywhere else. Clearly I don’t need to worry about anything.

But seriously, there is no logical reason for this to be true at level II, is there?

I don’t have it.

however, when I clicked on the link that the guy posted above, and start the application, then go back to the original ‘anomaly’ page and refresh it shows up.

edit: wow guys… it doesn’t show up because you haven’t started your application yet. You level 3 candidates just lost a lot of faith in my eyes.

Is there anyone who has never applied that can see it? It could still be an anomaly that only works for people that have not applied.

Initially I didn’t see it…then started to apply for a scholarship and now I see it.

Has this been the experience of anyone else

Yes - literally the same experience I posted above.

For what it’s worth, I’ve only taken level 1 and I don’t see the “access scholarship” box. I’m very confident I passed.

All I gotta say…is I hope this is true! because I do not see the access thing in mine. I passed LI last December with a solid Matrix and was scoring in the low mid 60s on LII Mocks. Personally do not think I passed but gonna know soon enough.

This theory has been debunked by PierreCFA.

Earlier, i was not seeing the “Access Scholarship”. I followed the steps given by PierreCFA and now i am able to see “Access Scholarship” under “Your Program”.

Case Closed. Hypothesis rejected.

Did your test and now I see it. Confirms that all of these guessing games are a waste of time. The wait is killing me, but its no use chasing shadows at this point.

So you were going to pass and now you’ve been bumped down to a fail. I’m sorry to hear that.

Admittedly, I was a little let down when I started the application and then the link appeared. All that wasted work for nothing now.

If I passed, I am throwing a party; food catered all night and open bar. travel arrangements are at own expense though haha

What state? I’d come… Veuve Clicquot in hand and everything.

Muggy Saint Petersburg, FL.

Florida? uuuuh Just kidding lol…

I played with it and now I have “ACCESS SCHOLARSHIP” option.

One more week to go Gents.

We do have the most strip clubs per square mile than anywhere else though

Historical Pass Rate:


@Deal_Clincher if you are referring to me about extra security cost, it has absolutely nothing to do with that. Basically if i create my own website rsparks.com like cfa institute then it needs to be formatted to Internet Explorer. To do this, microsoft charges 150k a year. My company doesn’t pay, so if you use Internet Explorer, a lot of funny things happen; however, it would run ‘normal’ under firefox or chrome. It could be one person is logging in under internet explorer and having issues with the ‘access scholarship’ view opposed to another who is using firefox. that is why i checked.

I never applied for a scholarship before and did not see it. I wish this forum had the ability to run some surveys to collect data. We will find out more next week.

Is there anyone with the “access scholarship” link who has never applied for a scholarship? I don’t have it, but I’ve never applied. I studied forever, and I can almost certainly say that I did not pass.