LFG. Study group L2 Skype or in Miami

looking for group.

Anyone got a group going that I can join?


Hi, I just signed up for Level II as well and Im in Miami if anybody else wants to form/join a group



Hey, moving to Miami in Feb. Did you two ever decide a meeting place? How about Books & Books @ Coral Gables? Good parking, has food, great atmosphere.

I am in the west palm area but would be interested in either a Skype study group or I might be able to go to Miami to meet with a group for a couple of study sessions.

I’m interested in joining a study group. I haven’t singed up for the test yet and I don’t think I will this year but I have some foot injuries that are keeping me from doing much of anything else and I’m super motivated to study. I’m a retaker and know the material pretty well, I just never leave myself enough time at the end to practice. (That is the kiss of death for this test). I’m from the Bay area so I might look for a group locally but if I can’t find anything I’d like to join a virtual group. I’m ready to go, I’ve started reviewing quant. I did pretty bad on this section so I need to spend some time on it. I’d be ready to start going over it in about 2 weeks. What do you all say? Anyone want to start reviewing quant on Nov. 2? smiley

I am interested in joining a skype study group for l2 …

My Skype Id is IMACFA…

Hi PSRs900, I just posted a message about emailing me so I can give you my SkypeID in another thread we have on here. My email address is cwilcox333@gmail.com.

Hi everyone!!

I am interested to form a Skype group for CFA discussion for level 2. My skype id is azaankhan2013

if you are interested in a Skype study group please send me your Skype ID to …we will have it on Monday and Wednesday at 8:00 pm starts on Nov 4th. thanks