
Age: 29, Single, and way too involved in sports/athletic competitions. So I really have no time for B.S. BUT in this situation, lost… Scheduled to take L1 Dec 2010. Currently an analyst, focused on delinquency portfolios at retail Bank. B.S. in Math, Series 7, 66, etc (all the dime-a-dozen brokerage requirements…) On the job, manager focuses on Developer/data skills (SQL/Oracle). Team consists of two SAS gurus (which we currently do not utilize) who are 'data-grabber-oriented, one with Masters in Statistics, another undergrad in Comp Sci. Seriously, WTF? What is the definition of an analyst? The billion dollar portfolios of this company rely on ‘analysts’ who have never shown consistency or ideas in even fundamental analystics, but perform such job function because they are good ‘data’ clerks!? ANd they are slackers at that!! I cannot seem to find a nice, cordial, or professional route to getting someone to notice this B.S.! I love numbers and there is so much more and better approaches this group/company can do; I can’t even seem to get a word in, because I don’t ‘code-as-well’… Any advice? Or am I just sounding like a child?

I don’t understand. What do you want people to notice?

All these forecasts by ‘analysts’ are done by data-grabbers -and that is why they suck! There is so much filler (e.g. company-wide changes/news/moratoriums/etc) that they use these ‘events’ as reasons that their analysis was so off. How long does this have to go on for, until someone notices!?

My apologies, it is difficult to explain barring Company rules/line of business sensor/want to tell out, but at the same time cannot disclose- can e-mail me ?

BBNRE Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > My apologies, it is difficult to explain barring > Company rules/line of business sensor/want to tell > out, but at the same time cannot disclose- can > e-mail me ? a/s/l ?

hAHAH What are you talking about?

haha … this is old school chatting from the mrc and icq days :slight_smile:

Hope “Barnie” is not in charge of writing anything on his current job or else that bank is sooo screwed.

sounding like a child if you ask me

A/S/L trade pix ? nice guy with two dog here. thx

Rant of the week. Me neither.

If you are 29 years old, than that must make her about 50-55. PERFECT.

…this is great!

This is EPIC!