Link between gray hairs and relationships with older women

Great quote. The un examined life is not worth living :+1:

This is one those things that in the future will be proven truth

been there done that lol

No thx. Iā€™d rather jack it

just looked up Pierceā€™s caseā€¦ wtf!

1 std dev change, fineā€¦ 1.5ā€¦ okā€¦ 3stddev shift???

Was there trouble in the marriage, death in the family etc? lol remember this movie

Imagine the psychology of being in a marriage and dealing with an inability to cope with something in life and resorting to food. Then your spouse is unhappy, and to cope with that, you resort to food. You cope with food. You secretly have your off-menu food items because at this point your spouse is regulating your diet. Things get deeper and resentment increases. Sex life is gone. Bitterness and anger are constant, but you stay together because you love each other.

Or loved each other. When will it end? Iā€™ve got to get some gas in the tank. Eh, time for some twinkies. I wonder what Wendyā€™s frosty tastes like topped with a twinkie? I have an hour free, might as well try it. And a diet coke. Some fries definitely. I have enough cash to get a couple value menus. Iā€™ll still have 10 min free though, I should get more while iā€™m here, might as well get some chicken nuggets. I know a spot where I can eat to avoid being seen and toss all the trash. Let me just get through this hour. Let me just get through this minute. Ah, f-it. Iā€™m ravishing. Iā€™m super-sizing everything. I need it. I have to have it. Now.

I made a girl cry by sayin hungry why wait elyse couldnā€™t. it was ms