Link disappearing: POLL

i never saw 4, was always 1 for me

3 Guess I failed.

We need someone with 2 or 3 to validate this… damn :stuck_out_tongue: Don’t be shy whoever you are :smiley:

4 just must be some kind of glitch. Everyone’s going to be able to see their results, pass or fail.

My 1 is there - no change since morning. I have logged out and back in several times to make sure.

depressed… reults link still there as well as 3

So we have: Option 1: 12 users Option 3: 2 users Sounds reasonable, doesn’t it? Option 4 should be a counter-move by CFAI to hide the hole in their system…

depressed too … reults link still there as well as 3

but here is the question: for the ones with option 3, what about the checkmark next to the L3 registration complete? is it there or gone?

3 for me and no checkmark

Update: Option 1: 12 Option 3: 4 needhelp: That is the difference between 2 and 3… 2 should indicate a profile not yet updated.

thanks MrDondaei i am not tech guy but do you think there is someone working today at CFAI or is it some kind of macro that they set up before leaving for the weekend?

I would say that someone is there because of option 4… Until we see someone switching from 1 to 3 or viceversa, this forecast should be highly significant…

I think we might be seeing a leading indicator. Hopefully more people will post as the day goes on.

i think most 3s will not post. people are less likely to post a bad news.

I’m off for few hours! Let’s try to keep traack of the results every few votes… See you later!

Are people who see the link diappearing members?

I am a member while CSK is not… CSK has been on option 1 while I have been on option 4,1,4,1

2-4-2-4 several times and finally 1 But I was checking while most of you were sleeping

Do you think they are still updating our profiles?