Liquidity ratios Q

The following data are available on a company:

Current Year (¥ millions)
Cash 114
Inventory 462
Marketable securities (at fair value) 23
Property, plant, and equipment (net) 677
Receivables 231
Current liabilities 390
Liquidity Ratios in Prior Year
Cash ratio 0.37
Current ratio 2.19
Quick ratio 0.97

The value of the company’s liquidity ratio that decreased the most in the current year, compared with the prior year, is the:

  1. cash ratio.
  2. quick ratio.
  3. current ratio.


C is correct.

Current Ratio Cash Ratio Quick Ratio
Numerator Current assets = Cash + Marketable securities + Receivables + Inventory Cash + Marketable securities Cash + Marketable securities + Receivables
Denominator Current liabilities Current liabilities Current liabilities
Current year
Numerator 114 + 23 + 231 + 462 = 830 114 + 23 = 137 114 + 23 + 231 = 368
Denominator 390 390 390
Ratio: Current year 2.13 0.35 0.94
Ratio: Prior year 2.19 0.37 0.97
Change in ratio −0.06 −0.02 −0.03

This is a question with its answer i think it is not true he deal with the problem using the absolute so he select the ratio which decline the max difference not the percentage the cash ratio fall 5% and this is the max percentage it should be the answer

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