Long commute or 20% pay cut?

For the last 3 years or so my commute has been under 30 minutes round trip. In a few months my commute could increase to about 2 hours round trip. I’ve read somewhere that an extra 30 mins of commuting time provides similar dissatisfaction with work as a 19% drop in pay. My question is how long is your commute and if it’s long one (over 45 mins each way) are you ok with it or would you take a 20% pay cut to shorten your commute?

My commute is say 25 minutes. I think I would accept a 25% pay increase to move somewhere with a 1 hour commute. So, I guess that means I would not take a 20% pay cut for the shorter commute. The other thing to consider is quality of housing, which for most people, should increase with a longer commute, since the radius of areas under consideration can increase.

I have a ten minute commute into the office. I would be fine with a (one way) total drive time of 45 minutes and wouldn’t take a pay cut to reduce travel time.

<10 min walk, would take a 25% premium to increase by an hour and a half, roundtrip


It takes me about 12 minutes to get to work. I don’t think I could stand a one hour commute. That means I’d get home at 3:00…no thank you.

^ you would need to take the loss of the nooners into account. That has to be worth about 20% on it’s own.

You can file this under stuff you didn’t need to know, but I just got back from a V Day nooner.

Today was a good day.

cant you do an hourly rate.

if your commute is 1 hour more both ways, for 250 days a year.

so 250 hrs. if your hourly rate is $50/hr. 12.5k/year. then thats whats its worth!

I’m trying to help my lady friend conceive so i’m on the no fap and limited action outside the fertility window. Hoping to get a pass today. You can file that under stuff you didn’t need to know

Why no fapping? Do you have a low number of swimmers? I think after a few hours it gets back to normal levels, though I’m no semen doctor.

I like looking at it like this. My income would not increase/decrease because of the move though. It would be about 1.5 hour increase both ways (2 hours - 30 mins = 1.5 Hours), so that would be about 375 hours a year or how i like to look at it 31.25 hours a month. It seems most of you don’t have long commutes though. which tells me that you are all spending extra for cost of living to have a short commute. If you would take the pay increase then would you move farther away to reduce expenses now?

I don’t know much about the subject but I have read that It takes 72 days to make a sperm and frequency of ejacs is the biggest influence on swimmer count. Test levels are good but I don’t know everything that is involved with boosting count and efficiency.

edit: ah the wonderful world of the interwebs. http://dontcookyourballs.com/time-to-increase-sperm-count/

dude buffallo. thats so awesome! are you doing this the regular penetration way or is this one of those test tube babies. also do you have any liability to the kid? can you spend time with the kid if you want?

Hey, you guys know there is this mail in sperm service now? Normally, you would go to a clinic to test your sperms, but now you mail in the sample and they give you a test including motility video.

I would not like to be the lab tech in this company though.


I think a lot of other factors need to be taken into consideration here. It’s not just how much time the commute takes, its also the volume of traffic and general location. If I had to drive 1 hour north for work - that’s not really a problem. If I had to drive 1 hour south everyday- f no thanks. So, if I get even a 25% increase in pay for another job that’s located 1 hour south, and, I decide to move to be closer - then my raise is just going to get eaten up in higher housing costs.

see thats whats nice about nyc. u prolly dont need a car.

monthly cost on a car

350 for car

100 for ins

250 for gas

thats around 700 smackers!

I was just trying to squeeze in a Big Lebowski reference. The special lady friend = wife.

I would do it. Long commutes are terrible for us. And even though humans may not be the best at judging what makes us happy, I think the evidence is pretty strong if you are highly paid the commute is better for happiness than the extra bottle service money. But if you aren’t highly paid maybe 20 percent is too low

About a year ago, the city put a second stop sign on my route to work. Now I have two stop lights and two stop signs. My commute just went from 7 minutes to 7:15.