Can somebody explain Long Run vs Short run Supply curve as well as Long run vs Short run Demand curve (if it exists)? I’m getting a bit confused on these topics.
The long-run aggregate supply curve is perfectly elastic inelastic (i.e., vertical); the short-run aggregate supply curve is elastic (i.e., sloped upward).
S2000, you mean perfectly inelastic (vertical)?
Yes. Good catch.
I fixed it.
Fine. I am getting better in Econ …I remember:
VSRAS = perfectly elastic (horizontal curve)
SRAS = elastic (normal slope of supply curve)
LRAS = perfectly inelastic (vertical curve).
Also regarding above AS is under the infulence of certain factors depending on term, VSR, SR or LR.
Thank you Flashback and S2000magician for replying
VSRAS = perfectly elastic (horizontal curve)
Does the above stand for Variable Short Run aggregate Supply? If so, would you mind elaborating on why it is horizontal for me please?
VSRAS meaning is Very Short Run Aggregate Supply or Ultra Short period.
Time frame is very important thing in economy.
The key timing differences are various impacts of certain factors.

Thank you Flashback and S2000magician for replying
My pleasure.