Looking for an index to compare to (TSX)

Is there an index that trades on the TSX that only includes small to mid-cap energy companies? I’m looking to make comparisons on a total return basis between a small to mid-cap energy company and its peers. I know there is the S&P/TSX Capped Energy Index, however it includes several large cap players and trust companies as well that really skew the comparison. Any thoughts? As a last resort I can always just create my own index but that brings potential validity questions into play. Questions like “why didn’t you include X company or why did you include Y company?” Thanks in advance.

I would create a blended benchmark.

hmm thats a great question …I’m curious to know how this would be done as well . I think to set it up on your own the index would need to have very specific criteria for inclusion such as - companies that have very similar types of assets totalling to around $ XX , compnies that have been in operation for a cerain number of years …etc … on the other hand you cant narrow it down too much … just my .02

Would using a blend of the BMO Nesbitt Burns Small Cap Universe and something like a non-cap weight S&P/TSX Energy do it? There’s gotta be a way to strip out the cappyness [technical term] from the larger Energy index? I’ll try it on Monday I have Morningstar Direct V 3.3. It’s pretty neat. Willy