LOS says describe but the questions make you calculate

LOS 20 C. says only describe the components of pension cost. But there is a question where we have to calculate the pension cost under GAAP and IFRS. What to do? Does CFAI know this?Should I memorise that formulas containing small and arbitrary details for pension costs

any formula they show you in the book can be asked to be calculated in the real exam regardless of what the LOS says.

I strongly disagree with that. Sometimes questions are there just to facilitate your learning, and not something you may expect to see on the exam.

i can’t say anymore because ill probably break the code…

but the way most people work - LOS does not say calculate - so let me ignore this section … not an LOS … and lo and behold the precise calculation in either a blue box or in the white text shows up on the exam. Go figure.

Poorly written LOS, but I would play it safe and understand that calculation as pensions are such a big section.

That said, I’d really like to know how other people here approach this kind of situation in general (i.e.- when the LOS says “describe/explain” but then walks through numerous calculations, formulas and/or blue box examples). I would have to go back and look, but I recall there being other similar LOS in Quant and a few other topic areas.

Poorly written LOS, but I would play it safe and understand that calculation as pensions are such a big section.

That said, I’d really like to know how other people here approach this kind of situation in general (i.e.- when the LOS says “describe/explain” but then walks through numerous calculations, formulas and/or blue box examples). I would have to go back and look, but I recall there being other similar LOS in Quant and a few other topic areas.