luck vs. skill

How many people believe that they will only pass based on luck? I definitely feel that way… I feel out of the 450 LOSs, if they ask the right ones, I will be fine. If they ask the ones I can’t remember, I will definitely fail…

I think that’s true for a 60 or maybe even a 120 - question test. But from a 240 question test, there’s no hiding…

Well, if you want to minimize the factor of luck, you can master the whole 450 LOSes. If you mastered none of the LOSes, you can still roll your B2 pencil for the answers.

If you consistently score in 90% range, you do not need luck. Otherwise we don’t need luck just badly :frowning:

consistently >90%… not even close… anyone here can claim that? I only got 71% on the CFAI 1…

yeh i totally agree acwu… im consistently around the 75% range, give or take at least 5% depending on “luck”… if they ask me the ‘wrong’ questions, forget about it… however, i think that if you know ur sht, you will be able to answer the questions within the 1.5 minute time frame… otherwise, its all over