If World Beaters’s board accepts a 1:2 stock exchange offer (1 share of World Beaters per 2 shares of Gadgets N’ More), the takeover premium paid to shareholders of Gadgets N’ More is closest to:

TP = PT - VT where PT = N x PAT for a stock acquisition. PAT = VAT / # of shares VAT = (223 million x $43) + (78 million x $20) + $200 million = $11,349 million. # of shares post-merger = 223 million + 78/2 million = 262 million PAT = $11,349 / 262 = $43.32 PT = 0.5 x 43.32 = 21.66 TP = 21.66 - 20 = $1.66 per share or 1.66/20 = 8.3%

could someone explain how the arrive at .5 wen calculating PT.

this is questin ID 603439

Kaplan schweser CFA L2 QBANK

Your abrievations make it difficult to understand the question… but I would think the .5 has to do with the first sentence in the question: “1:2 stock exchange offer”