Market impact on pass rate...

Anyone think recent market events will drive up/down or have any impact at all on the pass rate?? i know i have been working overtime at my job which does take away from studying but i cant complain about the pay. nonetheless, if things continue at this rate i will get much less studying done this time around than level one. im also wondering about candidates that were let go from any of the financial institutions shut down and if this will impact the testing group…

what I hear–and tend to believe–is that people tend to view CFA paticipation as counter cyclical.

countercyclical? so then CFA participation should be way up after this debauchery? i would think contraction of markets= contraction of companies hiring CFAs= less CFA participation…no?

marginal cost of time spent studying CFA & more people looking to differentiate themselves for smaller number of jobs look to certifications such as CFA … both go the opposite way…