On behalf of Markus Eriksson, CFO at Trana AB, he told me there will be no funny business come June 23rd 2018 it will be a couple of derivative strategies (bull call, bearput,straddles, collars & replication), pricing and valuation tricks and the Greeks, VaR, economics and investments markets and the IPS, simulations scenario analysis & probabilistic approaches and unit roots, GAAP vs IFRS, credit analysis models and credit default swaps oh not forgetting residual income valuation persistence factors Fed Model, Tobin’s Q and others, everyone knows the PEG, the 3 stage ddms and th EV Multiples, a couple of pension accounting and stock options and grants will slap some guys, I am not sure you will be able to detect violations of the Code and Standards because the information will be so crispy and juicy even the ROS. Dividend and share repurchase programs will hit someone hard combined with MM propositions and capital budgeting. Do you still remember Stabilized NOI, the layer method or the sales comparison approach? Again PE firms like to reengineer portfolio companies and what drives Storage and Office REITs. How about arbitrage valuation framework, interest rate trees for callable at par or at 98 u must still remember Mr. Ho Lee, CIR if not better understand level steepness curvature and effective duration. This time as per Eriksson quality of earnings and intergration of financial statement analysis will fix those who read up to Multinational Operations. Lastly nobody fails to Mark to Market a Forward Contract let alone calculate Carry Trade profits but come in the theories of growth and those who conviently punt on ecos of regulation, regulatory capture will capture them. The Happy after exam drinks and see you 14 August 2018.
Ms. ashleytawanda , what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Haha cheesy but I will award a single point