Massive 300Point Outside Day for the Dow...

Bloody. And no liquidation buying towards the close. For the first time in a while, nobody wanted to get in front of this train. Bernanke speaks at Humphrey-Hawkins… the vol is going to be really high this week.

What’s the call Lock? How are you going to get rich this week? Also, any news on that boutique firm? I still think you should post the name so we (AF as a whole) can blacklist it. Let the zips who are not in our inner sanctum take the job.

Who knows. Got short positions on CAT and HPQ due friday, and next friday, but not enough delta yet, been cautious on this downturn. Should pay a couple months rent though.

I’m gonna let the boutique firm go. Don’t want to risk anything on that front. The guy seems like the type who would try to destroy someone’s career just out of general anal spite.

^ All good. That guy is lucky it wasn’t me whom he interviewed. I would’ve lit him up with an earful.

^ Respect.