Maybe I am in over my head now

It’s not too hard of an ask at all. When all of the garbage crashes, you’ll get your <50 P/Es.

If you think it’s going to grow and be higher than it is today then wtf bro PE Shm-eh

Please not until I have enough to build my garage. That’s all I ask.

wasnt QoQ like 125%. thats why its selling at that multiple. lol. a rare day to see an ipo with a company that has massive profits from inception.

Dude, PLTR. Tell me you’re long gone from this Titanic of a stock??

No chance. I get it that the market is selling off right now, which is fine. Maybe 20X FY2 P/E on the S&P500 is enough to warrant a major correction in the market, but this stock is such a long term play that it’s really hard to justify the use of comparative analysis - IMO.

LTM PE is like 35x. thats some rosy eps estimates. plus the expectation of higher corp tax.

E*TRADE took my maintenance margin from 75% up to 100% and then liquidated 800 shares of PLTR from my account. I have 2,700 shares of PLTR left in my account (apparently they think I’m too concentrated). The hells even the point of buying stocks if you can’t use margin.

Just so you all have an update on me becoming a millionaire, im down to my last ~65k (palantir and savings).

And since they won’t let me buy it using any margin I’m going to liquidate (cost basis is down to $27.3) and buy leaps. Going to load up between 50 & 60 Jan 23’ $22 calls. This will leave me with ~20k cash.

I haven’t been following the details of your plight intimately, because you know, effort. Are you in bad shape at the end of the day?

My funds are shrinking, but at least at 100% maintenance I can’t get margin called anymore.

Well, see now, there you go! That instinct to look for the silver lining…it’ll serve as your North Star.

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try a 401k loan…nerdy compounding that at 30% IRR


Glad to hear you will survive. Didn’t want something bad to happen

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Your real estate is kicking butt nonetheless :sunglasses::fist:

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They say it’s always darkest just before the dawn

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Still think you should take the money and start putting it in more “stable” sources of wealth creation. Good luck

so its approaching 4 years since i took that $50k 401k loan. anyways a lot has changed. back then i was worth maybe 175k, and took out a 50k loan. now i’m worth close to 583k with the loan paid off. amazin what time can do. anyways was it a good idea to borrow 50k?
25k went to my parents. of that 25k, 15k has been paid. payments stopped around covid and is no longer accruing interest on remaining balance. mom paid her share. dad’s a deadbeat. anyways i decided to just not charge interest since it did create a lot of animosity as many of you predicted. so yall right on this point, i concede.
but we worked out a deal where i will get paid out the interest in their food leftovers. laugh all you want. i enjoy their food. to go even deeper. lets say i get 10 free leftover meals per week. at $5 per meal for 52 weeks that’s equivalent to $2600. but i do but them food something like a twice per week at say 10 bucks per meal or $1040 per year. so net of that i get $1560. at a 10k balance, im making 15% so it aint too bad.
as for the other 25k of the 401k loan. i kept for liqudity. in that time period. i always had cash on hand, i think at 1 point i had maybe 90k, but some of was due to wedding for liquidity. anyways net of debt it was much lower, the lowest cash position i had was the bottom of covid at 7k cash net of debt or 30k gross cash. I recall i was planning to buy 10k at the bottom but thought otherwise due to whining fiance.
but that cash on hand did allow me to take risks. i was able to max 401k, ira, hsa and received 10k per year in tax refunds and DCA over the tenuous periods from 2017 to 2020. and was able to invest during covid drop. i also invested in a couple businesses, one failed, one did well and was sold, but overall netted me an 11% CAGR and was in line with the market but with additional headaches.
anyways the market is super expensive again. and i need a lot of money for mba as well as some real estate private equity deals. soooo im prolly going to borrow 50k again from the 401k w/ a net of tax rate of 1.4%. i figure worst case, if i get laid off, it’ll be a distribution w/o penalty if i cant come up with the money. I figure i can borrow 15k against my car at a 2.35% rate, which is funny because thats what i borrowed 3 years ago, used car prices rose i guess lol. i took out an 83k student loan for the year at a 1% rate. hopefully they gimme the same deal in the next 2 years as well.
anyways the ivnestment plan is 55k per year for usc mba, investing in oneself cuz everything expensive. continue to drop 30k on 401k/ira/hsa. i need to lower income to qualify for Lifetime tax creidt of 2k. and student loan interest deduction of 2k per year. as well as 10k tax benefits. another 50k per year on repe, i’ll try to laddre returns in the next 3 to 8 years to coincide with student load payments.
investing in illiquid assets with dubious returns coupled with extremely high student loan payments. anyways yea maybe i am in over my head, but the die is cast. let no man call me beta, and may my ancestors forgive my rash decisions. and if worse comes to worse and i fail. even though i failed at least i tried. and as drake would say, you know i want it all and then some, shout out to asian girls, let the lights dum sum.

Now that’s some creative debt restructuring!

one day this will be a case study at Standford business school


Holy ■■■■ guys. I just spent an hour looking for trades for this week.

Never been this confident in my life about what I’m doing. I’ll post it all up after I pull the trigger on it all.

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