MBA Admissions Consultants

There are a lot of smart people on this board, and no doubt many of you have gone to top MBA programs. I want to join that club. I’m smart, but if you were to ask me how I’m different than the other 10,000 applicants, I think I might struggle to find a compelling answer.

A few friends who have had success getting in have used consultants, and some haven’t had to. I’m hoping some experienced members here can share their experiences during the application process and maybe give a pass/fail grade to the consultant they used, if any. What services did they provide that were helpful?

Just axe my man Numi. Pay no attention to the other noisy members.

I’ll bump this, I’ve got an undergrad from a good canadian university but with less than stellar grades (including failing a 200 level stats course) and no extracurricular activities so any help to get into a decent mba down the road is worth learning about.

Pick up one of these books - - - it will help you to describe how you are the ideal candidate. However, these will only help to put together your perfect MBA application. It will not make up for a lack of credentials, experience, or scores. 2004 version

2009 version

Very cool. Thanks Analti. I have credentials, but its just amazing to me watching friends with similar resumes get accepted or rejected somewhat arbitrarily.

Numi, I got your message and will probably be in touch with some questions.