MBA Cheating - Case Study

I’m in a full time MBA program. I just got off the phone with a classmate learning some terrible news. A witch hunt occurred over break with an anonymous email tipping off deans and professors of cheating during a final. The individuals involved allegedly looked at each others papers. Certain answers matched which confirmed the anonymous email accusation. The woman involved just called me in tears telling me she will not be returning to school due to the conclusion reached, and for me to be careful of the snitches in class (Snitches get stitches). For those of you in grad programs, what is the consequence of something like this? I told the individual I’d help out with the appeal process since we often studied together and I believe her story. Finally, aside from cheating, what are the ethical obligations in snitching? I could never see myself telling on someone else. I’m in no position to point a finger at someone when my own hands are unclean. Per CFAI, reporting violations to the authorities is recommended, not required.

Was she chinese?

BCEagle10 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Was she chinese? No, she was not. I read the other thread. I’m looking for something helpful here. If an anonymous email can tilt the dean into believing you cheated, then I’m a bit fearful. She is having a hard time, I offered to help her out, and I was hoping someone else may have an example to share. We’ve both read and understood our school code of conduct booklet.

Are you Chinese then, QuantJock?

Is there more than one person involved or is it just her? and how did they catch her? Was it the same answer verbatim? Its hard to help out if you don’t list the specifics. An anonymous e-mail will do no good because as far as i can tell she could’ve written the email herself.

True, they typically dont kick someone out of school unless they admit to it or there is solid proof of cheating. I would imagine her work to date should be taken into account. How were her grades before this case study (Did she need an A to pass kind of thing)? That really is terrible Quant. Hope your staying away from such shenanigans.

Part-time Crook Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Are you Chinese then, QuantJock? Ya’ll aren’t facebook friend yet?

Part-time Crook Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Are you Chinese then, QuantJock? No. From what I gathered her and 2 other individuals were accused. A couple answers on an exam were close, therefore it was concluded that they cheated. The email tipped off the professor. I don’t know if it was verbatim.

I know he’s not Chinese, but I just wanted to make a joke about cheating. I say take advantage of the situation and pummel her big time.

Part-time Crook Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I say take advantage of the situation and pummel > her big time. Part-time Crook Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I say take advantage of the situation and pummel > her big time. Part-time Crook Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I say take advantage of the situation and pummel > her big time. Part-time Crook Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I say take advantage of the situation and pummel > her big time. Part-time Crook Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I say take advantage of the situation and pummel > her big time. Part-time Crook Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I say take advantage of the situation and pummel > her big time. As long as ‘pummel’ = Sexy time

SkipE99 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > True, they typically dont kick someone out of > school unless they admit to it or there is solid > proof of cheating. > > I would imagine her work to date should be taken > into account. How were her grades before this > case study (Did she need an A to pass kind of > thing)? > > That really is terrible Quant. Hope your staying > away from such shenanigans. Well… I have not blatantly cheated on an exam, but there have been times with homework that I’ve worked with others when instructed not to. Everyone does that though. My guess is she was far from an A. The class was accounting, and she came into the final with a B- or so. Her and I studied together alot, and I’m just astonished that a witchhunt followed finals. I do not condone cheating, but the fact our class has a rat is disturbing. Lol. Dang, I hope the aforementioned does not the thread.

Not to help your case, but do you know who the rat may be? Is your school competitive? I can’t imagine that the rat wanted your friend out of the class so his/her class rank would climb a few spots. I might see it happening in high school or maybe in some undergrad, but not for business school. Class rank usually means squat.

CPierce Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Not to help your case, but do you know who the rat > may be? > > Is your school competitive? I can’t imagine that > the rat wanted your friend out of the class so > his/her class rank would climb a few spots. I > might see it happening in high school or maybe in > some undergrad, but not for business school. > Class rank usually means squat. i think that depends on if his school has grade non-disclosure or not.

CPierce Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Not to help your case, but do you know who the rat > may be? > > Is your school competitive? I can’t imagine that > the rat wanted your friend out of the class so > his/her class rank would climb a few spots. I > might see it happening in high school or maybe in > some undergrad, but not for business school. > Class rank usually means squat. I’m not in a top 20 program. So one upping someone by snitching would have close to nothing to gain, particularly when this person was far from setting the curve. The class of 2011 now has 70 people in it, the rat will be sniffed out.

if you cheated, than you should be kicked out. why does anybody feel bad about it?

I’ve met some super high strung overachievers that would rat somebody out without anything to gain for themselves. They’re called a$$kissers. Though, without getting any credit for snitching, I’m thinking of why they’d do that.

FrankArabia Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > if you cheated, than you should be kicked out. > > why does anybody feel bad about it? I don’t know if she did or did not cheat, I’m looking to see if anyone has an example of appealing a decision made based on loose information sent anonymously. Also I’m curious if snitching is justified in most circumstances. I tend to mind my own business.

Hi Quantjock_MBA. Sorry that your friend is involved in this matter. But anyway, since you are asking for opinions: “I’m curious if snitching is justified in most circumstances.” If people are cheating, then yes, they should be reported. If you see someone committing a crime, you call 911. “I’m looking to see if anyone has an example of appealing a decision made based on loose information sent anonymously.” The thing is, the anonymous tip is not the evidence in this case. It is just information that led the professor to look for evidence - like similar answer sheets. Any decisions regarding the appeal will be made based on this other evidence, not the fact that the tip came in the form of an anonymous email.

if you cheat, i really think you should be kicked out of the program.

FrankArabia Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > if you cheated, than you should be kicked out. > > why does anybody feel bad about it? Answer: Imagine a desperate classmate who would do anything for his help :wink: seriously dude why don’t you just go read a paper or a 10-k instead of spending time and energy on this?!