MBA programs

Hi guys… I am an MBA student and doing a school project. Like many of you I am going to start on my cfa level 3 next year. For a school project I would like to see what decisions affects a person choices of MBA program. Since I most relate to you guys, please help me fill this quick survey out, it should take less than 5 minutes… Much Thanks! Cheers!

Your first question is as badly written as a CFA exam: 1. Are you looking to do a MBA ? Are you looking to do a MBA ? A.Yes B.Current Student C. Alumni How the hell do I say no?

Actually I am thinking the answers are not mutually exclusive. You can choose both A and B - I am currently doing MBA but I haven’t graduated yet; You can choose both B and C - I graduated from tier 3 MBA and I will do a top tier MBA; You can choose both A and C - the same as B and C My conclusion is: bad question.

SurveyMonkey…brings me back. Definitely overused by all during my own MBA travails. But I did respond to your survey as if I was making the decision again.

lol… answers are not mutually exclusive AND not the full universe set… can’t get any worse than that :stuck_out_tongue: